
Women's Rights & the Temperance Movement

By mvsandi
  • Women have been around since forever

  • Alcohol gains popularity and a rise in drunkness is seen.

    The evils of alcohol are preached against by Reverend Lyman Beecher.
  • Temperance Movement

    The Temperance movement was a movement for the prohibition of alcohol. Americans at this time were immensely drunk.The consumption of liquor was over the ROOF, being 180 per capita liquor consumption which was 7 gallons per year more than usual(2x more than now) not including wine, beer, Zima, hard cider, pruno.
  • Women Suffrage Movement

    Women were thought to be "property" of their dad or husband. Husbands held authority over the person, property, and choices of their wives. Women had little to no rights. The higher the social class, the higher the restriction on women. Women were allowed access to education so they could teach their children. Cult of domesticity decreed that a woman's place was in the home and to provide love, friendship, and mutual obligation to man. Most women wanted the right to vote for alcohol purposes.
  • Women's Convention

    Women's Convention
    Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton hold a women's convention after being denied entrance from a World Anti-Slavery Convention which was held in London.
  • First step towards prohibition

    First step towards prohibition
    The first state law prohibiting the sale of alcohol is adopted by Maine.
  • Women Rights Convention

    Women Rights Convention
    The first women's right convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. This convention led to the launching of the women's suffrage movement
  • New York State Women's Temperance Society

    New York State Women's Temperance Society
    The New York State Women's Temperance Society was founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
  • The American Equal Rights Association is formed

    The American Equal Rights Association is formed
    Formed by Stanton and Anthony this organization covered suffrage for all regardless of gender or race.
  • Civil War Ends

    Full prohibition of alcohol so ZERO alcohol consumption becomes the goal due to the "fearful quarrels and brutal violence."
  • National Prohibition Party Organized

    National Prohibition Party Organized
  • The Women's Suffrage movement starts to shift views

    The Women's Suffrage movement starts to shift views
    The movement started to focus on blacks more than they did women.
  • WCTU was founded

    WCTU was founded
    Women Christian Temperance Union was founded in 1873 in Cleveland, Ohio. It was seen as ladylike and a respectable way for women to be involved into the women's rights movement.
  • Women Suffrage Vs. Congress

    Women Suffrage Vs. Congress
    The U.S. Congress is proposed a women suffrage amendment which is later taken on in the Senate and defeated.
  • Anti-Saloon League was founded

    Anti-Saloon League was founded
    Reverend Howard Hyde founded the Anti-Saloon League in Oberlin, Ohio
  • Woman Suffrage is taking new heights

    Woman Suffrage is taking new heights
    Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party support woman suffrage; it is being supported at the national level by a major political party for the first time.
  • Organizations UNITE

    Organizations UNITE
    The WCTU and Anti-Saloon League march at Washington, DC demanding an addition of a prohibition amendment to the Constitution.
  • Women CAN vote

    Women CAN vote
    The 19th amendment is ratified by three quarters of the state legislatures.
  • Prohibition of Alcohol Repealed

    Prohibition of Alcohol Repealed