West Civ DCE

  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1497

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.
    Unlike Columbus, Cabot did not sail along the trade winds because he believed that the route to Asia was shorter from Northern Europe. He ended up on the coast of North America 50 days into his journey.
  • Period: 1500 to

    The Age of Exploation

  • Period: 1500 to

    Absolute Monarchs

  • 1507

    A German mapmaker names the "New World" America

    A German mapmaker names the "New World" America
    Martin Waldseemuller, the German mapmaker, is famous for being the first map to use the term "America" as the name for the new World. This can be considered an intellectual event because Waldseemuller is thinking for himself, and he is coming up with new ideas.
  • 1511

    Desiderius Erasmus translated the Latin New Testament into Greek

    Desiderius Erasmus translated the Latin New Testament into Greek
    Before Desiderius Erasmus, the Bible was written and spoken in Latin when many people did not speak this language anymore. This sparked the Renaissance because it showed that people had ideas on their own and not always through the church.
  • 1521

    The Edict of Worms

    The Edict of Worms
    This decree banned Luther's writings against the Catholic Church and called out Martin Luther, saying he was a criminal and heretic.
  • 1527

    Michelangelo completed painting the Medici Chapel

    Michelangelo completed painting the Medici Chapel
    Michelangelo, a famous Renaissance artist, painted the chapel of a very wealthy family known as the Medici Family. This family owned banks and grew well-known around Italy. This can be considered an artistic event because it deals with Michelangelo painting and using his artistic abilities.
  • 1552

    Huldrych Zwingli branches off from Catholic Church

    Huldrych Zwingli branches off from Catholic Church
    Huldrych Zwingli, a Switzerland priest, branches from original faith due to different beliefs. This sparks other people to branch off as well because people start to realize that the Church cannot decide their beliefs for them. This is can be considered a religious event because it has to do with breaking away from the Catholic Church.
  • 1566

    Protestants rebel against Philip II for raising taxes

     Protestants rebel against Philip II for raising taxes
    When King Philip II raised taxes for the Protestants again, they were not very happy. The Protestant citizens were so fed up that they threatened to destroy Catholic monuments and religious paintings.
  • 1576

    Martin Frobisher sights land in North America

    Martin Frobisher sights land in North America
    Martin Frobisher was an English explorer who set out to find the Northwest Passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Asia. The land that he seeks out first is now what is considered to be Canada.
  • Dutch merchants found the Dutch East India Company.

    Dutch merchants found the Dutch East India Company.
    Dutch merchants founded a trading companies in India to protect and strengthen their trading in the Indian Ocean and strengthen their economy for the Dutch War of Independence against Spain.
  • Scotts rebelled and threatened to invade England

    Scotts rebelled and threatened to invade England
    During Charles I ruling, he was the ruler of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He tried to change the religion of Scotland, and they did not like this. They rebelled and threatened to invade England as a result of the thought of a religion change.
  • Cromwell landed on shores of Ireland and more than 616,000 Irish died

    Cromwell landed on shores of Ireland and more than 616,000 Irish died
    Cromwell spent a little over 9 months in Ireland, and he and his troops massacred priests, nobles, and peasants, all mean with weapons, and even royalty. This can be considered a political event because Cromwell was a Puritan leader in England for a little while. He governed England for about 10 years.
  • Habeas Corpus law is passed

    Habeas Corpus law is passed
    Habeas Corpus law states that any prisoner will be given the right to have a judge before them to prove them guilty or not. This law is passes right after the absolute monarch problem is fixed in England. This is to prevent Kings and Royalty from throwing innocent people in jail. This is considered a social event because the lower end of the social pyramid have been given more equality and power by passing this act.
  • Isaac Newton Publishes "Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica"

    Isaac Newton Publishes "Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
    This publication focused on the foundation of mechanics. This can be considered a technological event because it is a tool that can help people advance in science or different fields on math.
  • The Salem Witch Trials Take Place In Massachusetts

    The Salem Witch Trials Take Place In Massachusetts
    These trials happened under the Puritan lifestyle in the colonies in the New World. The Salem Witch Trials took place because several women were accused of being possessed by the devil
  • Period: to

    Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

  • Diderot Writes "Encyclopedia"

    Diderot Writes "Encyclopedia"
    This book talks about the Enlightenment and focuses on the way people think and why people think the way they do. It was a highly influential book of the Enlightenment time period.
  • Adam Smith Publishes "The Wealth of Nations."

    Adam Smith Publishes "The Wealth of Nations."
    This book was thought to spark new ideas in terms of the economy. This book referred to the wealth and economy among the nation. It helped form new ideas for how to grow and strengthen economies.