Werner Karl Heisenberg

By bbangas
  • Who Was Werner Karl Heisenberg

    Who Was Werner Karl Heisenberg
    Werner Karl Heisenberg was born on December 5, 1901 and died February 1, 1976. Heisenberg was a German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    He published his work in 1925 in a innovative paper.
    During this same year, this matrix formulation of quantum mechanics was considerably explained. He is known for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which he published in 1927.
  • His Theory

    Mechanical quantities, such as position, velocity, etc. should be represented, not by ordinary numbers, but by abstract mathematical structures called “matrices” he formulated his new theory in terms of matrix equations.
  • Work during World War II

    The German nuclear weapons program, known as Uranverein, was formed on 1 September 1939, the day World War II began. The project had its first meeting on 16 September 1939.. A second meeting was held soon thereafter and included Heisenberg, and several other scientists. Heisenberg, along with other physicists were glad the Allies had won World War II.
  • Later works

    From 1957 forward Heisenberg was interested in work on problems of plasma physics and thermonuclear processes He also did much work in close collaboration with the International Institute of Atomic Physics at Geneva.
  • Video explaining Heisenberg's theory.