Month One
Baby will start making tight fists. Physical. -
Month One
Can smell the mothers breast milk. Intellectual and maybe social. -
Month Two
Smiling and making coo's. Intellectual and social. -
Month Two
Can hold head up and might start pushing themselves up. Physical. -
Month Three
Follows things with their eyes and pays attention to faces. Intellectual and social. -
Month Three
Can calm their selves for a little while by sucking their thumb. Physical and intellectual. -
Month Four
Starts reaching for toys it sees. Physical. -
Month Four
Plays with people and copies facial expressions, might get sad if their play partner leaves. Emotional, social, and intellectual. -
Month Five
Might be able to roll over tummy to back. Physical. -
Month Five
Likes sweet tastes better than other tastes. Intellectual. -
Month Six
Recognizes familiar faces and likes to look at self in mirror. Intellectual and social. -
Month Six
Brings things to mouth and can pass from hand to hand. Physical. -
Month Seven
Supports weight on legs and may like to bounce. Physical. -
Month Seven
Rolls over in both direction. Physical. -
Month Eight
Might crawl backwards before going forwards. Physical. -
Month Eight
Makes more vowel noises, might say mama dada. Intellectual and social. -
Month Nine
Is clingy to familiar people and afraid of strangers. Social and emotional. -
Month Nine
Plays Peek-a-boo. Intellectual, social, emotional. -
Month Ten
Stands, sits without support, and pulls to stand. Physical. -
Month Ten
Picks things up with thumb and index finger. Physical and intellectual. -
Month Eleven
Might start walking and standing up with no support. Physical. -
Month Eleven
Starts to develop their own personality and being independent. Intellectual. -
12 Months
Has more emotions shy, scared, embarrassed. Emotional. -
12 Months
Shake head no and waves bye bye. Intellectual and social -
13 Months
Tries to say words that you do. Mama Dada Uh-oh etc. Intellectual and social. -
13 Months
Explores things by shaking, banging, throwing. Intellectual and physical. -
14 Months
Can follow simple directions like picking up a toy. Intellectual. -
14 Months
Put things in a container and take them out with no help. Physical and intellectual. -
15 Months
Can look at a picture and name the right thing sometimes. Intellectual. -
15 Months
Can start putting arms and legs in clothes. Physical and intellectual. -
16 Months
Will have a favorite persona and may cry when they leave. Emotional. -
16 Months
Might enjoy hide-n-seek or finding hidden items. Intellectual and social. -
17 Months
If handed a writing tool could scribble. Physical. -
17 Months
Points to show someone what they want. Intellectual. -
18 Months
Likes to play pretend such as feeding dolls. Intellectual and social. -
18 Months
Says around 10 words. Intellectual and social. -
19 Months
Drinks from a cup and eats with silverware. Physical and intellectual. -
19 Months
Might walk up steps and might prefer running over walking. Physical. -
20 Months
Can undress themselves with little help. Physical. -
20 Months
Temper tantrums might start. Emotional. -
21 Months
Might start knowing body parts and pointing at them. Intellectual. -
21 Months
Knows what everyday things are. Phone, cup, brush, shower. Intellectual. -
22 Months
If you draw a line they can repeat the line back. Physical and intellectual. -
22 Months
Likes to stack toys or random objects. Intellectual and physical. -
23 Months
Gets excited with other children. Emotional. -
23 Months
Starts to get more naughty and does what they get told not to. Social and intellectual. -
24 Months
Sentences of 2-4 words to tell what they think or want. Social. -
24 Months
Might know colors and animals/noises. Intellectual. -
12-24 Months
Kicks a ball and throws it overhand. Physical. -
12-24 Months
Might prefer one hand over the other. Intellectual and physical. -