World war 1 recruiting poster

us history timeline

  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln spoke for little more that 2 minutes. It helped remake america
  • Lincoln Assasinated

    Lincoln Assasinated
    John wilkes booth killed lincoln at a play and escaped away and killed him 12 days later.
  • Battle of wounded knee

    Battle of wounded knee
    The soiux were unarmed and slaughtered by the seventh cavalart
  • US wae agains spain

    US wae agains spain
    The Us declared war on cuba and stated that they had no intention of taking over cuba
  • Social Security act.

    Social Security act.
    It was for retiress at the age of 65. They could of paid 15 to 18 dollars a week
  • Blitzkrieg

    A german air force roared over polan raining bombs over poland on military bases, railroads and cities
  • 19444

    tanks drove 60 miles into allies territory creating bulges in the enemy line.
  • baby boom

    baby boom
    the birthrate soared in the 1940-1960. An infant was born in the us every seven seconds
  • Jfk and Cold war

    Jfk and Cold war
    The begining of the Cold war began and tensions ran. And jfk had to prove his yound leadership
  • Armstrong dies

    Armstrong dies
    Niel Armstrong dies from complication to his heart surgury