2104761 the white house1

U.S History 1770 to 1840

  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    An armed clash that erupted leaving attucks and 4 other citizens dead in the snow.
    smauel adams and colonial agitators presented this as a
    british attack against defenseless citizens.
    It was a serious conflict between the British soldiers and American citizens.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    when a gruop of American citizens boarded a ship at the Boston Harbor and began throwing the tea supply on it overboard.
    was an act of rebellion against the British Parliament Tea Act.
    Led to the Reolutionary War later on, because the taxes that were being put the American citizens.
  • 5 Intolerable Acts by King George

    5 Intolerable Acts by King George
    5 intolerable acts where a punsihment dfrom the king after the Boston tea party to the citizens.
    included that they couldnt use the Harbor for any trading, which caused Boston economy to fail.
    also included that they couldnt meet in large groups for town meetings of any sort of conferences.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was one of the delegates that helped draft the constitution.
    he beleived sharing power with state and local government limited state power.
    Jeferson was in fear of another dictator.
    Jefferson wanted economy to be based on farming.
    Thomas jefferson was in support of those who were poor like farmers and tradespeople.
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    Was based upon natural rights of the philosopher John Locke. Soon after the beginning of the Revolutionary War, leaders of the war got together to write a letter to the king of England explaining why they were fighting and why they wanted to become an independent nation. In the document it explained how all men are created equal, the ,em have rights given to them by god, and, That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. this document was important because it says how
  • Articles of Confedertion

    Articles of Confedertion
    The Articles of Confederation gave the power to declare war, make peace, and sign treaties to the national government.
    The Articles of confederation was two sets of government who shared powers.
    The articles could borrow money , and make a postal service.
    though the Articles made no seperate executive department to hold out and make sure the things of congress and no national court system to simplify the meaning of laws.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The traty of paris was a document that ended the Revolutionary war.
    it was signed in apris by benjamin franklin, John Adams, and John Jay.
    the terms made Britain realize that the United states ws really an independent nation, which made them remove all their troops rom the nation.
    the treaty also created bordrs for the united states including all land from the Great Lakes on the north to Florida on the south, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    A man named Daniel shay was upset about the fact that after seving in the Revolutionary war and returned home to his home in western Massachusetts he had a big debt to pay. in the end he ended up in jail because he couldn't pay his debt. Shay then lead a mob of farmers after countless times of trying to closethe courts so as tonot losehis farms to creditors. This caused panic throuhgout the nation because every state had farmers who had debts to pay.
  • Three Branches of Government

    Three Branches of Government
    The three branches of government are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
    The legislative branch is made up of senates and representatives known as congress, and they make laws.
    The executive branch is the President and vice President, and the President enforces te laws, though the President can also veto a law he/she doesnt approve of. Congress however can cancel out that veto if 2/3 of congress vote to make that bill into a law. The Supreme justices of the Judicial branch interpret laws.
  • Federalism

    ederalism divided power between the national government and the state governments.
    powers given to the national governent were delegated powers, which gave them contorl of forein affairs, to provide for the national defense, regulate trade, and coin money.
    powers for the states were reserved powers, which included providing education, and making marriage laws, and regualting trade in states.
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    The Bill of Rights consists of 10 amendments to the constitution to American citizens. it was given to the Anti-Federalist from the federalist because there was complaint that since the constitution weakened the states, people would need a list of rights. However Federalist did insist that the gave limited power to the government, though they still disagreed and in the end a bill of rights was given.
  • Thomas Jefferson and the Anti-Federalist's

    Thomas Jefferson and the Anti-Federalist's
    Thomas jefferson was the best known Anti-federalist back then. He was one of many of the anti-federalist who felt that the Constitution gave too many rights to the National government. so because of this it son lead to the creation of the bill of rights from the federalist.
  • George Washington becomes president and creates the Cabinet

    George Washington becomes president and creates the Cabinet
    George Washinton created the Cabinet because he could not handle the Nation single handedly, therefore the Canbinet was created in helping him with major decisions.
  • Two party System

    Two party System
    A two party system is a system where they dominate in votingin nearly all elections at every level of government and, as a result, all or nearly all elected offices are members of one of the two major parties. under a two party system. one of the two parties typically holds a majority in the while the other is minority.
  • Akexander Hamilton and his plan for creating the Bank of the Untied Sates

    Akexander Hamilton and his plan for creating the Bank of the Untied Sates
    Alexander Hamilton had a proposal for a National Bank that would be funded by the Federal overnment and wealthy private investors.
    he wanted the bind wealthy investors to the countrys welfare.
    His plan was that the Bank of the United Sates would issue paper money and handle overnment funds and tax reciepts.