Plessy v Ferguson
In a way Plessy v Ferguson started the civil rights revolution. It was on of the first actions in which an african american stepped out against equality. -
Thurgood Marshall
African American associate justice who served from october 1967 to october 1991. He was a civil rights activist and was afilliated with the NAACP. -
Rosa Parks
Known Famously for refusing to move from the front of a bus, Rosa Parks is a well known civil rights activist and is known as the "mother of the freedom movement" -
Martin Luther KIng Jr.
The leader of the civil rights movements and most commonly known acitivst of the present. -
Civil DIsobedience
Civil disobedience was the act of obeying certain laws and disobeying unjust or unfair laws as a way of rebellion or search for justice -
Brown v Ferguson
on this day of may twelve, the court ruled segregation of schools unconstitutional and paved the way for future civil rights movements. -
Montogemery Bus Boycott
Initiated by the Rosa Parks incident, the bus boycott lasted a year and was very succesful and ultimately ended segregation in buses. -
Orville Faubus
He was the mayor of Arkansas from 1955 to 1967, Orville Faubus was infamous for attempting to block the little rock nine from entering Little Rocks cetral High School. -
sit ins
Students from around the country formed the SNCC and rallied in the south doing sit ins in whites only restaurants.(they would sit in restuarants until the owner would most likely shut down for the day.) -
George Wallace
He was the 45th governer of Alabama and was for segregation, He attempted to segregate black students multiple times, and was eventually the victim of an attempted murder, which left him paralyzed. -
Lester Madox
Once a owner of a restaurant which denied to serve blacks, Lester Maddox was the 75th governer of the state of alabama and later the liutenant governer for JImmy Carter