My Birth
- God was present when I was born because it was when I was brought into this world and I am blessed to be in it. God gave me a purpose to be in this world and I will fulfill it. My parents are also blessed to have me, as well as my brother. I am glad to be in this world with God present by my side when I’m living in it. Also, because of God, he allowed me to have a chance at life in this world and live in it.
- God was present at my baptism because it was when I got rid of my original sin. It allowed me to become more with God, and to start to love him throughout my Christian life. I have also begun to go to church and to learn about Jesus' life since then because I was baptized. It also allowed me to become even more with God when I was able to go to confession, and receive the Eucharist.
First day of School at Nativity
- God was present at my first day of school at Nativity because it was the beginning of my catholic school life. It was also the beginning of a chapter in my life. It was also the beginning of my catholic life at the school, since I later had reconciliation and communion. I will also begin to start taking confirmation lessons in 8th grade. God was present because it was the start of me taking even more sacraments.
- God was at my communion because it was when I was able to receive the body and blood of Christ. It was a great event because I was able to strengthen my connection with him further. I was also able to start taking it more during the school masses. This was able to make me become one with God and love him more. God was present there because I was able to strengthen the connection.
National Junior Honor Society
- God was present at the National Junior Honor Society because it was one of the best things I have been a part of at Nativity. National Junior Honor Society is also a privilage because I was chosen to be a part of it, and I can thank God for that. He was also there because we held the ceremony at the church, so he was there during our mass, and ceremony. God watched over me during the mass and ceremony because it was great. I could definitely say that he was there because it was monumental.
In the future when I graduate Nativity
- God will be at my future graduation from Nativity because it will be the end of my chapter at Nativity. Even though it would be great being here I would be going to high school to learn even more. God will be present there because it will begin a new chapter of which I will be going to high school. God will be present there because I will be saying goodbye to the church, school, and the staff there. I can say that God will be there because it will be great to journey farther in catholic life.