The calculator was my earliest memory of technology used in the classroom. We learned how to manually do math, then followed up by learning how to use the calculator. -
Overhead Projector
The overhead projector was used as a way to show students how something was done in the absence of a white board. -
Desktop Computer
I had a desktop computer at home before I used one in the classroom. But I do remember how colorful the classroom computers were. They were also very slow. -
Graphing Calculator
In middle school, I remember using a graphing calculator. The graphs were impressive, but it was also cool that you could add games to it -
I only used this clicker once. I still don't fully understand it. It basically allows you to choose A,B,C like answers and shows the results to the teacher. -
Microsoft Office
In high school, using microsoft office for projects became common place. -
Once I began working for the school district, I started working with kindergarten students. We used websites, like Starfall, to help students learn using interactive games. Games were present while I was in school as well, but this was my first time encountering this site -
Ipads were introduced to help bridge the gap between technology and education. Many teachers struggled when it was first implemented into the curriculum -
When I began working at a high school, Chromebooks were being used in the classrooms instead of Ipads. -
Google Office
Towards the tail end of my time working at the high school, Google Office was being introduced in the classrooms.