Cesar Gonzalez was Born
My father was born on August 27, 1985 in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. -
The Move
My Dad moved from Mexico to California then in 1995 they moved to Colorado -
Mom and Dad Meet
My mom meet my dad through her cousins boyfriend because her cousins boyfriend was friends with my dad. -
My mom was pregnant with me
My mom and dad had founf out that they were having a baby. They were happy and nervous at the same time. -
I was Born
I was born on August 6, 2004 but, I was actullay due on my fathers birthday. -
My sister was born
My sister Anahi, was born on December 30,2005. I was barely one when my mom had my sister. -
Mom and Dad split up.
My mom caught my dad cheating on her and from this day on they never were together ever again. -
Going separte ways.
To this day my mom and dad are not together but, they are both leading happy lives.