Slavery Banned
- January 31st 1865- Slavery was banned and no longer able to have slaves. This prohibition help people but also didn’t cause slaves are property of the owner
- July 6th 1865- In case of Presidential death a VP can take over the Presidency.
Born Into Citzenship
June 13th 1866- When you are born into America, you are a citizen -
People Electors
- May 13th 1912- Senators are now elected by the people.
Beer BAnned
- December 18th 1917- Liquor was banned. This helped the economy and also did not cause
wemon voters
June 4th 1919- Women get rights to vote. -
Beer is now allowed by law
- February 20th 1933- Liquor is now allowed by law.
Trem Limit
- March 21st 1947- Presidential term limits this limited theamount of terms that the presidential
18 To Vote
March 23rd 1865- Citizens over the age of 18 are now allowed to vote