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The Story of me- Elyse Mascia

  • I was born

    I was born
    My life started!
  • Broken ankle

    Broken ankle
    I broke my first bone on Asbury Elemetary's playground. My teacher said that if I walked around the perimeter of the whole playground, my ankle wasn't broken. She made me walk around the playground, but my ankle ended up being broken anyway.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    I had my first day of kindergarten, and my teacher was Mrs. Groves. I don't remember having any friends. I remember one day I got on yellow, but I still marked it green.
  • First Buffalo Bills game

    First Buffalo Bills game
    I went to the first Buffalo Bills game of my life. The Bills ended up winning that game. I remember that it was really fun. We went with close family friends.
  • Getting Norman

    Getting Norman
    We got our first bird. He was born on Christmas Eve, or Christmas. I think he's a dwarf. Also, he hates me.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I had my first communion. At the time, I was 8. I went with my buddies from CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) and we all thought that the wine was really grape juice.
  • Getting Taco

    Getting Taco
    This is when we got our 3rd bird. (Before we got Taco we had Eichel. We gave him away because he was starving Norman). Taco likes to pretend to bite, but he can't bring himself to actually bite anyone. He also makes chicken sounds if you scratch his neck.
  • Reflection State #1

    Reflection State #1
    I won the reflections contest for the state of Pennsylvania when I was 10. I did a horrible job editing my picture, so I was surprised when I won.
  • Vacation to Europe

    Vacation to Europe
    My family and I went to Europe for the first time. We went to Italy, France, and Spain. We visited the Vatican, and it was pretty cool.
  • First day of middle school.

    First day of middle school.
    I had my first day of middle school. I was so nervous that I vomited. Other than that, it was fine.
  • Vacation to South Carolina

    Vacation to South Carolina
    I went to South Carolina for the first time. We went with family friends. We did a bunch of fun things there, such as feeding alligators Cheerios.