Polly and Jack get married.
John's first son is born.
Jack leaves for Canada.
Jack arrives in Prince Albert (picture is P.A in 1913)
Jack was not the only law man in Prince Albert, there was S. D. Jones. Jones covered the city where John Wilson covered most of the rual areas surrounding P.A. John moving to P.A allowed for him to find Jessie and fall in love with her. If Jack would have never joined up for the RNWMP he would not have recieved the shotgun that he used to kill Polly. On another note if Jack had not gone to P.A he would not have had anyone to take care of him when he was stricken with T.B and he would have died. -
Jack's tomato crop gets flattened by a hailstorm.
War declared on Germany.
Jack joins up with the Royal North West Mounted Police.
Jack arrives in Blaine lake. (picture is Blaine lake 1915)
Blaine lake is were Jack meets Jessie and their love affair begins. Blaine lake is where Jack is diagonsed with T.B. During his stay at Blaine lake Jack tells people different stories about his life in the old country. This reveals that he is a sick, twisted, and lonely man. Jessie's parents become skeptical when Jack can not produce divorce papers. -
John Patterson confronts Jack and asks him about his marriage.
Jack tells John that he was married but she died after he left the old country. -
Jack is diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Jack sends Jessie a fake letter from his dying sister.
This letter portrays Jack as a rich, social man that had his life completly ruined by his horrible wife, Polly. -
Polly arrives in Canada.
She arrives at Halifax harbour at 11:28 aboard the Mauretania. -
Jack volunteers fo the North West Mounted Police cavalry unit.
Polly calls Jack the same day. -
Jessie moves to Prince Albert.
Jack is offered a job as Chief Inspector.
He turns down the job because he felt unqualified for the position and he preffered the position that opened up in Saskatoon. -
Jack Wilson moves to Saskatoon.
Jack was in charge of a subdivision with 34 men below him. -
Jack goes to Wheatley's Jewllery Store to buy a wedding license for Jessie and him to get married.
Jack kills Polly. (picture is of Polly and the kids)
Jack gets Polly to come to Saskatoon, and says they have a house waiting for them in Saskatoon. When Polly gets to Saakatoon Jack takes her to Rosthern, becuase he says he must go there on business. As they are driving polly notices the shovel and the shotgun in the back of the car. Jack pulls off of the rode to shoot some geese then he shoots off the top of Polly's head with the Shotgun. This event leads up to the many troubles Jack faces in book two. -
Jack talks to Isaac Neufeldt. (picture of Wilsons Grey Dort)
After Jack kills Polly he rolls his car by the culvert. After he rolls the car it starts on fire and he walks to the nearest farm house. At this house is Isaac and he notices Jack coming up and also notices the smell of liquor on him. Jack takes Isaac to the burned car, and the swathing crew meets up with them there. Isaac starts to see the vomit and also wonders why Jack told him and the crew a different story. Jack leaves a lot of loose ends here and they come to haunt him later in his life. -
Jack marrys Jessie Paterson. (picture of a 1918 wedding)
This is the climax of Jack and Jessie's relationship. Jack gives Jessie the wedding band from his recently deceased first wife.They soon after move to Vancouver and Jack gets a job for the RNWMP. Everything is going good for the young newly weds until Jack starts to get investigated into with relivance to Polly. Jack marrying Jessie is the last happy moment that Jack Wilson will every have.