The Second Spanish Republic.

  • The Left Republic

    The Agrarian Reform Law was allowed by the State for the control of the large areas, land owned and then hand them over to the peasants. Also, rewarding the landowners was complicated and expensive, and not everyone in the government agreed on the plan to take over the large areas of land owned by the wealthy, so it was never applied on a large scale. As a result it riled the landowners and disappointed the peasants also.
  • Jesuits weren't allowed to operate as a religious group

    The state withdrew subsidies to the Church, civil marriage was allowed, divorce was permited and also, the Prime Minister Azaña, was well-known for being direct and honest to the people.
  • Primo de Rivera's Labour Arbitration Scheme

    Primo’s Labour Arbitration Scheme was extended and improved with the help of the UGT. This, trebled its membership during the period.
  • Half of the officer corps were retired their full pay

    Azaña told the army they had no right to challenge the government and a military revolt by General Sanjuro was crushed in 1932.
  • Foundation of the right-wing Catholic CEDA party

    The government’s decisions led the foundation of the Right-Wing Catholic (CEDA) party leadered by Gil Robles. And at the same time a fascist party (The Falange), was established by the son of Primo de Rivera, Jose Antonio.
  • The Right Republic in the Two Black Years

    In 1933, Government troops shot dead anarchist prisoners in Cádiz.This created a crisis, that led to elections being for november 1933.
  • Right-Wing Coalition

    A Right-Wing Coalition Government had power after the elections. This changed the process of reform and also, they cancelled the measures against the Church. The period from 1933-1935 became known as the “Two Black Years” in which, the Left, who became divided between socialists, were led by Prieto, who wanted to work with the coaltion and the UGT, led by Caballero, who wanted violent opposition to it.
  • Asturias Uprising

    In 1934 opposition to the government exploded into violence in the Asturias Uprising, an anarchist miners’ revolt on two weeks which was only stopped after a lot fighting by the troops of General Francisco Franco. He became known as the "Butcher of Asturias". Mass arrests followed, the Left Wing newspapers were closed and the Catalan Autonomy Statute was suspended.
  • Asturias Uprising

    In 1934 opposition to the government exploded into violence in the Asturias Uprising, an anarchist miners’ revolt lasting two weeks which was only stopped after much fighting by the troops of General Francisco Franco. He became known as the "Butcher of Asturias". Mass arrests followed, The left wing newspapers were closed and the Catalan Autonomy Statute was suspended.
  • The Countdown to War

    In 1936, an election was called. A Popular Front of Communists, Socialists, Republicans and Separatists was formed for opposing the government.The right wing formed the National Front. And increasing tension meant that the Left now regarded the Right as Fascists; the Right regarded the Left as Communists.
  • The Populars won against the Nationalists

    The Popular Front won only a few more votes than the National Front, but the voting system made this into a large majority of seats in Parliament. But Caballero’s socialists, still bitter about the failures of Azaña’s earlier government, refused to join. This weakened not only the government but also the Left wing of Spanish politics as a whole.
  • Reintroduced Reforms

    The new government immediately reintroduced the reforms of 1931 government, banned the Falange and sent Franco to Morocco. Disorder and political violence spread throughout the country. The anarchist CNT encouraged the peasants to take over the land. The socialist UGT called a general strike among the proletariat. Fascist Falange started to grow a lot. The army began plotting to overthrow the weak new government. The leader was General Mola.
  • Calvo Sotelo was assassinated by Republican police

    On the 13th of july, the monarchist politician, Calvo Sotelo, was assassinated by Republican police, making a revenge for the murder of one of their men by a Falangist.
  • The Revolt in Spanish Morocco

    The militar had the perfect excuse to make their movement.Their revolt began on the 17th of July in Spanish Morocco which was led by the General Francisco Franco.