
The Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolution Split

    Marxists Revolution Split
    Marxist revolutionaries diassagre over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to rick everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes he leader.
  • The Contest for Korea

    The Contest for Korea
    Russisa and Japan competed for control of Korea and Manchuria. The Russians signed treaties with the Jananese but later broke them. The Japanese inturn attcked the Russain Port Arthur, Manchuria. News of Russain losses caused unrest at home.
  • Citizen's Revolt

    Citizen's Revolt
    200,000 workers and their families approached the Czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They were carrying a petition asking for better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II's generals ordered soldiers to fire on the crowd. This day is known as bloody sunday due to the loss of many lives.
  • The Duma-Russia Parliment

    The Duma-Russia Parliment
    Due to the stikes, Nicholas II reluctantly promised freedom and approved the creation of Duma-Russia's Parliment. The leaders who attended wanted Russia to turn into a constitutional monarchy. However, Nicholas loved his power and disassembled the Duma after 10 weeks.
  • Germany Takes Over Russia

    Germany Takes Over Russia
    Nicholas II brought Russa into World War 1. Russia was unprepared to handle the military and economic costs. The troops didn't have much training and were poorly equipped. The Russain's were defeated quickly by the Germans.
  • Riots Arise

    Riots Arise
    Women who brought in textile factoring in Petrograd, led a city wide strike. Throughout the next five days, riots arose over shortages of bread and fuel, At first, soldiers follwed their orders to shoot the protesters down but later sided with them.
  • The Storming of the Winter Palace

    The Storming of the Winter Palace
    Armed factory workers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd, taking over government offcies and arrested the leadersof the provisional government. They called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards, and together with Lenin, They gave control of the factories to the workers. Lenin ordered that all farmland be gievn to peasants. Bolsheviks signed a truce with Germany to stop fightingand start peace.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia surrendered a large part of their land to Germany and its allies. Many Russians became angry and objected to the Bolsheviks, the murder of the royal family, and their policies.
  • The Civil War Strikes Russia

    The Civil War Strikes Russia
    The countries split into two sides, the Bloshevik Red Arrmy and the monarchists White Army. Civil War struck Russia. Several countries like the United States sent military help to the White Army. 14 million Russians died due the famon, fighting, and a world wide flue appodemic. The Red Army won.
  • The New Economic Policy

    The New Economic Policy
    Instead of his plan for a state-controlled economy, Lenin resorted to a small-scale version of capitalsim called the New Economic Policy (NEP). The government kept control of major industries but let small factories, farms, and bussinesses run under private ownership. The new government allowed peasants to sell their crops instead of giving them to the government. NEP also encouraged foreign investments.
  • The Russ for Power

    The Russ for Power
    Russia was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in honor of the councils that helped the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin had a stroke and although he didn't die, many people started competing for his spot in the governent. Stalin, general secretary of the communist part, worked behind the scenes to move his supporters into position of power.