The Fedewa Fam

By afedewa
  • Fav child was born

    Fav child was born
    At 12:32 am, I was born at St. John's Hospital in Detroit, MI. I was 6 pounds and 14 ounces and was 19 inches long.
  • New house!

    New house!
    Our family moved from Grosse Pointe, MI to Byron Center, MI. My dad got a new job over on the west side of the state where we were closer to our extended family.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurrican Katrina was a large Category 5 hurricane, causing over 1,800 fatalities and $125 billion in damage. It affected mostly New Orleans and the surrounding areas.
  • I started walking!

    I started walking!
    My parents now had to adjust to a little toddler walking around the house. They had to baby-proof cupboards, and drawers, and keep small things out of reach for me.
  • Camping Fail

    Camping Fail
    Our family decided to take a trailer out west to Colorado. Unfortunately, many many things went wrong during this trip including a flat tire. The Fedewa Fam has not gone camping since
  • Pre-K!

    I started preschool, so our family had two kids in school. This was a big adjustment for my parents, especially my mom, as she didn't have any kids at home during the day.
  • Wedding Season

    Wedding Season
    Nick and I were in our cousin's wedding! Nick was a Ring Bearer and I was a Flower Girl. We got to walk next to each other down the aisle.
  • Train Ride

    Train Ride
    For spring break this year, we decided to take a train out to Arizona. This was a very long adventure, but unique. We got to experience uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, but good food
  • Summer of Skiing

    Summer of Skiing
    I learned how to waterski! But I was very stubborn and cried every time I was forced to try. However, every summer from then on, I was able to waterski along with all my cousins.
  • Nick to Nickel's

    Nick to Nickel's
    He was the first kid to finish elementary school! Come September, Nick and my parents had to adjust to the earlier school start for him and deal with the challenges of having two kids in different schools.
  • Sandy Hook School Shooting

    Sandy Hook School Shooting
    Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School before taking his own life. To this day, this is one of the deadliest school shootings in America.
  • Cruising!

    For my grandparent's 50th Anniversary, they brought our family on a cruise! We all had so much fun as we explored the Bahamas, played on the waterslides, and ate unlimited ice cream.
  • Grandma Fedewa died

    Grandma Fedewa died
    At the end of Christmas break, our family gathered at the Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI as Grandma Fedewa had a stroke and unfortunately passed away.
  • All Done with Elementary

    All Done with Elementary
    I finished elementary school! My parents had to adjust to a different schedule for me and had to deal with the fact that both of their kids were growing up.
  • State Runner-Up!

    State Runner-Up!
    Back when I played softball, the 11u Little League All-Stars softball team earned State Runner-Up. It was a historical moment for Byron Township as we were the first softball team to make it to states.
  • Start of Volleyball

    Start of Volleyball
    In 7th grade, I played on my first volleyball team. This was the start of the sport that I stuck with through all of high school and that ended up being my favorite.
  • On the Road!

    On the Road!
    Nick was the first kid to get his license and that changed so much in our family. He took on more responsibilities such as driving me around!
  • Bye-Bye Braces

    Bye-Bye Braces
    I got my braces off at the start of freshman year. I felt like I was getting older as I was transforming into a high schooler.
  • Got a Graduate

    Got a Graduate
    Nick graduated high school! Our family had to get ready to move him into Michigan State and start to get ready to send him off. I had to prepare myself to be an only child.

    In March of 2020, the whole world basically got shut down. Everyone was stuck at home with their families. Family walks and board games became part of the daily routine.
  • Another Driver!

    Another Driver!
    I got my license during my sophomore year. This was great because everyone in our family could drive. My parents didn't have to worry about giving me rides places or forgetting to pick me up.
  • Senior Year!!

    Senior Year!!
    The youngest child of the family starts her senior year. I am starting to look at applying for college, taking senior pictures, and looking forward to all the fun things that come with being a senior.