First Originated
An instructor named William. G. Morgan decide to combined the ideas of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a new game. -
Reached across the seas to Japan throughout Asia
A Special equipped ball was created to help the game and the height of the net was altered.
This would allow players to do more with the game. -
Decision that court size had to be 35x60 feet, and rotations of the positions.
The Philippines created '"set" and "spike"
The creation of the main building blocks of the game. An offensive style of passing was also created to help trajectory. -
Point requirement changed.
This changed the points from 21-15. -
The decision of amount need to play
Eventually in 1918 it became the standard way of executing the sport to have 6 players on each side. -
The military sent 16,000 volleyballs to help occupy troops who were off at war
New rules were added
It also became a standard rule to minimize the amount of touches during the game to make it more competative. -
The first championship was held by the YMCA in brooklyn NY
Net change again.
It was required that the net be adjusted to 3 feet wide, 4 inch square mesh of number 30 brown thread, canvas cover, top and bottom with 1/4 inch cable at tope and 1/4 inch rope at the bottom -
The U.S started the national volleyball association.
This was an association that represented the sport to help expand the game. -
Beach volleyball was created
This was requires two players instead of six -
The approval to provide volleyball referees
Volleyball was denied to be an olympic sport.
Volleyball was added to the olympic games
The Womans Professional Volleyball Association was created
The first Woman professional volleyball event in Newport beach