Henry Edward Roberts was born
Ed Roberts was born on September 13, 1941 in Miami -
His first computer
In high school, Ed Roberts built his first microcomputer. -
Graduated from University
He loved electronics so much, he decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering. He earned this degree from Oklahoma State University in 1968. -
After Ed graduated, he started working with the air force in Albuquerque. Ed spent so much time he ended up creating something that would be bigger than him -
In 1974, Ed Robert's company was suffering financially. Most of the money was spent on the MITS -
First Computer Kit
In 1974, Ed Roberts wanted to make more money and struggling until he realized he can make more money from the Altair (the first computer kit). In 1975, Ed Roberts gained over $200,000 from the Altair. -
Ed Roberts Moves On
In 1976, Ed Roberts stopped focusing on Altair because it had so much bad energy behind it. He sold his product and became a farmer.