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The Vietnam War, A Timeline Done By Paige Hortik

By phortik
  • The Beginning Of The Geneva Convention

    The Beginning Of The Geneva Convention
    [A Vietnam War Timeline](www.english.illinois.edu/maps/vietnam/timeline.htm)The Geneva Conventions consists of Nine Nation's delegates gather in geneva to begin negotiations and discussion on how to the hostilities occuring in Indochina. This is especially important because it is here that the idea og dividing Vietnam is first brought up. This same year the agreements made at this convention were announced.
  • United States Stands By The French Financially

    United States Stands By The French Financially
    Slide 15United States was forced to be allies to the French due to priorities of the Cold War. As an ally of the French the Unitd States ended up funding 75% of the French Effort, which ended up failing. Then the United States tried to build up south Vietnam as an anti-communist state. This is important because it shows the impact this war had on the US from the start and why many citizens were against it.
  • The Battle of Dien Bien Phu Begins And Ends

    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu Begins And Ends
    [A Vietnam War Timeline](www.english.illinois.edu/maps/vietnam/timeline.htm)Nearly 40,000 Vietminh surround the French garrison and with the help of the Chinese artillery shelling the airstrip, they are slowly able to make it impossible for the French to receive their supplies. It is within the year on May 7th specifically, that the French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    [Battlefield: Timeline](www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/timeline/index.html)A North Vietnamese Army unit known as Group 559 is creating in order to start a supply route from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. The route followed the Vietnamese and Cambodian board, approved by Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia. This route eventually became known as the ho Chi Minh Trail.
  • Advisory Effort in Vietnam Increases

    Advisory Effort in Vietnam Increases
    Slide 16[Battlefield: Timeline](www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/timeline/index/html)Starting in th elater half of the year 1961, President John F. Kennedy order for more US soldiers to help the governemnt of South Vietnam in its war with the Vietcong guerrillas. The United States helps by sending equipment, military advisors and other support. On December 11, 400 trained American pilots and their helicopters arrive in Southern Vietnam to provide aid.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    Slide 24The Gulf of Tonkin began when South Vietnamese attacks two small North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin. The USS Maddox spies on this event and orders air attacks to draw North Vietnamese boats away from the South Vietnamese boats. Two nights later the U.S.S. Maddox captain reported his vessel has been fired at and an attack would soon take place. Though the attack never took place, Johnson orders a retaliation against North Vietnam. Johnson is disingenuous with the people.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Slide 24
    Congress Passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution under the false impression of the events that occured earlier that week. This gives President Johnson to take whatever actions necessary to defend southeast Asia. Eventually the truth comes out to Congress about the events that occured and the Resolution is taken back. Though, this doesn't occur for a couple years so it doesn't have a impact anymore.
  • Bombing of Bien Hoa Air Base

    Bombing of Bien Hoa Air Base
    Battlefield: TimelineUnited States Presidental elections are only two days away when Vietcong bombs Bien Hoa Air Base, killing four Americans and wounding 76. Not only were people affected by the bombing but five B-57 bombers are destroyed and 15 are damaged. This event is important because it could have effected US voters opinions on this war, ultimately effecting who they vote for.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Slide 26The Tet Offensive is crucial when looking at President Johnson's and the beginning of the end of war. President Johnson had continually been telling the people the war was almost over and the emenies didn't have any fight left in them. Though, the people saw otherwise when a major surpise attack was launched on Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. American's saw this and lost trust in Johnson. causing him to drop out of the re-election. This is known as a Political disaster for President Johnson.
  • Outcome of Presidental Election

    Outcome of Presidental Election
    Slide 28
    Candidate Richard M. Nixon wins the Election of 1969, becoming the new President of the Unite States. He brings a new outlook to the Vietnam war. He promises the people he will bring "Peace With Hnoor". He says his focus is to negotiate a settlement that will bring hal a mllion troops home, without costing us the war. This means South Vietnam will still be able to survive due to his plans.
  • Ho Chi Minh Dies

    Ho Chi Minh Dies
    [Vietnam Profile](www.bbc.com/new/world-asia-pacific-16568035)
    Ho Chi Minh dies of a heart attack and North Vietnamese officials announce his death the following day. This is important because President Nixon then begins reducing the number of United states troops on the ground in Vietnam. He does so becuase the opposition to the war grows domestically.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    Slide 30
    The Watergate Burglary is crucial to the social synamics occuring in the Vietnam War because the people began to be even more distrusting of the government. So far President Johnson had lied about the progress of the war and now their own President was involved in a breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. This made US citizens especially on edge about continuing to fight.
  • Invasion of South Vietnam

    Invasion of South Vietnam
    [Vietnam Profile](www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-16568035)
    South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders. This leads North Vietnamese troops to invade South Vietnam and successfully they take over the whole country.