I Was Born!
This was the day i was born! I was the third kid born into my family and i was the only daughter which meant I would get the most attention too! My parents decided to name me Rida which in our language means blessings of God. -
Period: to
Years Of Rida's Life Till 2012
Moved To Canada!
My family had been living in Pakistan with my grandma for one year when I was just a baby before I moved to Canada and started my new life in Toronto. -
First Day Of School!
This was my fisrt day ever going to school at High Castle Public School in kindergarten when I was 5 years old. I was really scared of my teacher but ended up having an awesome time! -
Got My First Pet!
This day of my life was very special because it was the first time I ever got a pet. I got 2 birds which were budgies and named them Leaf and Blue since one was green and the other blue. I couldn't really handle them so they had to be sold later on but I still loved having pets! -
Visited Pakistan Again For The First Time
This was the first time I actually saw Pakistan and my grandma who lives there since I had been born! I was excited to be in another country and to actually meet the people i hadn't seen for more than 8 years! It was really fun! -
Moved To Mississauga!
This was the day I moved to Mississauga and first came to a new city! It was really exciting to move for the first time in my life!I was going to have a whole new school and lots of new friends so I was both scared and excited! -
First Day At Churchill Meadows
Today was the first day I went to school in Mississauga in Churchill Meadows Public School and was really scared since I was the only new kid.I came here in grade 4.I had lots of fun because all the other kids really tried to make me feel good about being at that school and they all became my new friends! This is the school I met a lot of people in 72 like Matthew, Prisha and lots more! -
First Day In Middle School
This was my first day out of elementary school and into middle school at Ruth Thompson Middle School! I was excited to see all my old friends and meet my new teachers etc. I really loved the first day at RTMS with all its activities and cool teachers. -
First Award At RTMS
This was the first time I had won an award in RTMS! I won it for visual arts and I was really happy to get my first award in middle school. I felt really proud knowing that I had worked hard to get it! -
My Grandma Passed Away
This was when my grandma passed away and it really changed my life because I had always been really close to her and it was the first death of a family member I had experienced. I was really sad about this.