Technology Evolution

  • invention stage first vehicle

    French writer and inventor Nicolas Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered car, originally designed to haul artillery pieces.
  • veteran stage second vehicle

    in 1908 Henry Ford began to produce cars on an assembly line, a totally innovative system that allowed him to reach previously unthinkable manufacturing figures
  • brass stage third vehicle

    named after the frequent use of brass for bodywork. At this stage the aesthetics of automobiles still resembled that of old horse-drawn carriages.
  • Vintage vehicle fourth stage

    From the end of the First World War to the Great Depression of 1929, the main vehicles were the Austin 7, Bugatty Type and Ford Model T.
  • Pre-War Stage Fifth Vehicle

    1929-1949 Development of completely closed cars with a more rounded shape. Relevant cars: the Ford v-8, the Bugatti Type 57, the citroen traction avant and the volkswagen sedan
  • Modern Stage Sixth Vehicle

    Characterized by the development of safer, more efficient and less polluting motors. Toyota Corolla, Ranger Rover, vw golf and Cadillac Fleetwood Seventyfive one of the biggest cars manufactured.