Romans Rushed Out
Germanic tribes set an end to the Roman Empire and build new states and empires in Europe. Feudal system. Monasteries keep up roman and greek heritage (reading and writing) and develop new agricultural methods. -
Period: 500 to
May 23, 1291
Switzerland's exisetence is documented
Jan 1, 1300
Switzerland becomes popular trade route between Asia and North Europe
The Noble Swiss become prosperous by taxing the trade routes. -
May 1, 1307
William Tell supposedly shoots apple off son's head
According to the legend, this killing of the governer of hasburg creates the foundation for the Swiss Confederation. -
Nov 15, 1315
Swiss loose Battle of Morgarten
Feb 13, 1349
Jewish expelled from Burgsdorf, Switzerland.
On 2/22/1349 Jewish were expelled Zurich -
Jan 1, 1474
Burgundian Wars Begin
Jun 9, 1477
Burgundian Wars End
Duke Charles of Burgundy defeated by the Swiss Confederacy -
Jan 1, 1499
Swabian Wars leads to independance from German Empire
30 years war begins
Graubünden is the battle ground between Austrian-Sapnish and the French -
Treaty of Wetphalia ends war
Swiss Independance Reconized
Switzerland occupied by French under Napoleon
Revolts force French
Switzerland is Neutral through Napoleonic Wars
First Steam boat on Lake Geneva
Civil War between Catholic and Protestant cantons
This cilvil war was very brief. -
New Consititution and Parlament
Thomas Cook's "all included" tour
This is the beginning of modern day tourism -
Switzerland organizes Red Cross
Milk Chocolate Invented
invented by Daniel Peter -
Though formally neutral, sympathy of Switzerland's population is split: German speaking Swiss are oriented towards Germany, French speaking Swiss towards France. -
Leage of nations is founded in Geneva
Customs Union with Liechtenstien
Swiss Women Allowed To Vote
Elisibeth Kopp becomes first female president
self explanitory