Special Education Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This was huge milestone when it comes to special education milestones that changed our education. "In Brown, school children from four states argued that segregated public schools were inherently unequal and deprived them of equal protection of the laws." (Peter & Wright, 2021).

    This was an act to help educate children who aren't as "privileged" as others. This law was made in order to help provide education to those children, to create fairness throughout education. (Peter & Wright, 2021).
  • Diana v. Board of Education

    Diana v. Board of Education
    Diana, who was a Spanish-speaking student got a low IQ score, because her test was given in English and not in her primary language. This law gave Spanish-speaking students the opportunity to get tested in their primary language. (Addressing New..., n.d.).
  • Larry P vs. Riles (1972)

    Larry was a black student who found out that his tests were more challenging than others and he was being treated differently. This court case made sure that students have the same education, and not bias tests. (Addressing New..., n.d.).
  • Mills v. Board of education

    Mills v. Board of education
    This was taken to court to make aware that student's with disabilities have access to free education in public schools. It's also not any different to discriminate against someone for their skin, versus discriminating someone for a disability. (Peter & Wright, 2021).
  • The Act of 1975

    The Act of 1975
    "The education for handicapped children was set into play in 1975 ensuring that students with special needs have access to free education." (Peter & Wright, 2021). It also explains that schools are expected to have special education services for special education students. Also known as the IDEA act. (Peter & Wright, 2021).
  • Honig v. Doe

    Honig v. Doe
    This case started when a student got permanently suspended for a behavior that connected to the student's disability, meaning the California school board has violated EAHCA (Education for all Handicapped Children Act). (Steketee, n.d.). Resulting in the law that student's can't be taken out of school because of their behavioral issues. (Steketee, n.d.).
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This was law was made to help create more opportunities for students who, "aren't able to speak English very well, students who are in special education classes, students who are of color and who are in poverty." (Lee, n.d.)
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement of 2004

    The law since 1975 has been changed in several different ways to make sure children with special needs are taken care of and receiving the proper education. Some changes were rights to protect the families and children with disabilities, and provide needs for the parents to better their child's future beyond school. (Peter & Wright, 2021).
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    This was a revision and addition to the No Child Left Behind Act. This helped the achievements of disadvantaged students. (Peter & Wright, 2021).