Jan 1, 620
Oldest Japanese History Compilation Created
Information from previous eras of Japanese history are accesible because of these texts -
Jan 1, 712
Kojiki Compiled
The Kojiki is a sacred text to the Shinto religion -
Jan 1, 720
Nihon Shoki Created
First national history of Japan, the text allows the Japanese people to trace their Shinto traditions -
Shinto Denju Created
A document that refers to Shintoism in terms of Confucian principles is created -
Shinto Shrine and Practitioners Regulated
Many subgroups of Shintoism are given the certification to practice ceromonies and build shrines -
Christian Religion Questioned
Western astronomy is used to argue that Shinto is the only true religion of Japan. This restores the Shinto movement after a long period of Christian influence. -
Buddhism brought to Japan
Several monks sent from the Korean Peninsula to spread the Buddhist beliefs -
Shinto Laws and Shrines Created
Many new shrines and laws are enacted based on the Shinto religion because of it's widespread dominance of the region