Sherlin's life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    on July 26 that was the day i was born and was giving birth by My beautiful mom. i was given the name Sherlin
  • animal lover

    animal lover
    when i was going into middle school, i got a dog and started to love my dog and i fell in love with him now he is my best friend his name is Mylo he is a maltiest mix with chip zu and he is my best friend and i love him so much
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    For Christmas my dad got me an iPhone 6 i was very happy and excited that i got a phone because everyone was getting phones and i was very excited and blessed
  • caring

    i have always been a caring person for as long as i remember i have always had good intentions for people and never want to hurt anyone sometimes i make mistakes but i am very caring and compassionate
  • Traveled to Turkey

    Traveled to Turkey
    When i was in the 6th grade i was able to go to turkey with one of my families close friends and was able to see and explore their culture food and religion and had such a great time and i am very thankful i got to go because it was so beautiful
  • open minded

    open minded
    When i was in middle school i was learning a new language Turkish and i learned about their culture and religion and that made me be more open minded and made me wan to learn more about different cultures,food and religion and i am very thankful that i had the opportunities and the people around me that helped me learn
  • First communion

    First communion
    I had my first communion ceremony with my church and was a very special day for me and my family because i had been going to church school for year now to learn more about god and my religion
  • Graduated Middle school

    Graduated Middle school
    I graduated middle school at Chicago math and science academy i hated that school would not recommend many bad memories and it was really toxic and i was happy to graduate
  • Transferred schools

    Transferred schools
    I was very sad and depressed in m yold school very toxic environment it was very unhealthy for me and was getting sick mentally so then i got to transfer to a different school Taft
  • Disney Land Orlando

    Disney Land Orlando
    For my 15th birthday i went to Disney land Orlando with my family and had so much fun and had such a great time
  • new school taft

    new school taft
    once i was settled down into Taft, i meet new friends and got everything situated, my grades where getting better and i was more confident and happy with myself and this change helped me for the better and im very happpy i am in this school everyone is so nice to me.
  • first date

    first date
    i went to zoo light with this one guy i was talking to and it was my first date and i was very excited and happy i got asked out and i had a very fun light watching the lights and the animals
  • "first job"

    "first job"
    My mom gave me a job at her ice cream shop and have been working their for almost a year now and i love it, even thought it is very stressful but i love it i like what im doing
  • nails creativity

    nails creativity
    i am very creative and i learned i was creative when i learned how to do nail art and i made lots of designs and i was able to express myself and that's something that i enjoy doing and im doing a program in the summer and i cant wait for that and learn more
  • Hard working and responsible

    Hard working and responsible
    Once my mom gave me this job i realized that i am very hardworking and responsible, i enjoy doing what i am doing and i work really hard and do what i have to do i am nice and respectful to all the customers
  • texas

    I went to my hometown and visited my home and my godmother and my cousins and i had so much fun and i was in peace being in a better place where i felt like home