Rise of Hitler

By sgreene
  • Hitler goes to WW1

    Hitler goes to WW1
    Hitler joined the ranks of the german soldiers as a foot soldier in WW1. He was an eager and war-loving loner, generally kept to himself, but never complained and loved to go into the most dangerous of situations.
  • Treaty of Versaille: Surrender of Germany

    Treaty of Versaille: Surrender of Germany
    The Treaty of Versailles is named after where it was signed, at the castle of Versailles, the palace of the Sun King, and ended WW1 against Germany. This was a major cause of WW2, because of the fact germany had to give up Begium, Czech, and Poland, and terrible inflation and suffering it led to in the German populace.
  • Nazi party is formed

    Nazi party is formed
    The Nazi party was founded on Febuary 24, 1920, the Nazi party had it's first meeting. Also known as the NSDAP, the Nazis were highly conservative, and believed in the cleasing of the human race. Jews and other non-germans had to lose their rights of citizenship, and were not allowed to be know as Germans,
  • Hitler become leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler become leader of Nazi Party
    Hitler became leader of the Nazi Party in 1921, after gaining widespread support from germany and the Nazis. Germany was in a bad position. Widespread inflation, hunger, and poverty had deeply affected the german people, making them angry, about the treaty of Versailles and all that had helped create it. So when Hitler came around, Germany was thirsting for a powerful leader.
  • Hitler tried for treason

    Hitler tried for treason
    Hitler was tried for treason after his attempt at the Beer Hall Putsch, and became famous ovenight. People felt very sympathetic for him and his supporters, and therefore, both them and Hitler got off with very ligh charges. Hitler went to prison for only a few years, was giving a spacious cell and his own secretary, and it was there that he wrote Mein Kampf.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Also known as the Munich Putsch, this is when Hitler and other members of the Kampfbund tried to seize power of Germany, however this time, they were unsuccessful.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Mein Kampf, meaning in german "My Struggle" was a novel/autobioghraphy written by Hitler himself, expaining his terrible beliefs and ideologies, and describing what his prejudices were and why he was right in doing what he did.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market crash hit Germany pretty hard, seeing that they were still recovering from the effects of WW1 and The Treaty of Versailles. Unemplyment skyrocketed, and many Germans were on the streets and starving.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler took over as chancellor from Hindenburg at around noon on January 30, 1933. To be chancellor, he was kept in check by the majority of conservatives, and the fact that his vice-chancellor was a man named Papen, a conservative that planned to run the government himself, with Hitler as a puppet. However, that is not how it turned out.
  • Burning of the Reichstag

    Burning of the Reichstag
    The Nazi burned down the german parliment building known as the Reichstag, but blamed it on the german communists. This event gave the nazis the exuse to imprison their enemies on false premises.
  • Nazis elected to the Reichstag

    Nazis elected to the Reichstag
    Hitler convinced the conservative leader, Hugenburg, and HIndenburg, to agree to his plan to replace the Reichstag with members of the Nazi Party. On his first day as Chancellor, Hitler was able to convince Hindenburg into dissolving the Reichstag and having new elections started to elect Nazi representitives.
  • Hitler becomes dictator of germany

    Hitler becomes dictator of germany
    After the elections in March of 1933, Hitler and his followers began to take over the government, getting old chancellor Hinderbeg to sign documents making Hilter's rise to power and his new powers legal, and at the same time, releasing Nazis and their supporters from jail to bully the public and members of the Reichstag into the support of Hitler. So by the time elections came, Hitler was voted as chancellor by a majority around 400 to 80.