Queen Victoria

  • Victoria's Background

    Victoria's Background
    Alexandria Victoria was born in Kensington Palace, London, on May 24, 1819. She was the only child of Edward, Duke (1767-1820), by Mary Louis Victoria (1786-1861).
  • Queen Victorias birthdate

    Queen Victorias birthdate
  • Victoria Inherits the Throne

    Victoria Inherits the Throne
    On June 20, after the death of her uncle William IV (1765-1837), she inherited the throne.
  • Countries under the Queen's Rule

    Countries under the Queen's Rule
    Victoria was queen of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901 and empress of India from 1876 to 1901
  • The Coronation of the new Queen

    The Coronation of the new Queen
    Queen Victoria's coronation (crowning ceremony) took place, her chief advisers at first were Prime Minister Lord Melbourne, (a whig) and Baron Stockmar, a German.
  • Queen Victoria's deathdate

    Queen Victoria's deathdate
  • Deeds of the Queen

    Deeds of the Queen
    As queen, she saw slavery end in colonies, saw her country undertake successful wars in the crimea, Egypt the Sudan and South Africa, acquired the Suez Canal, and established constitutions in Australia and Canada.
  • Osborne and Balmoral

    Osborne and Balmoral
    In 1844 Queen Victoria had Osborne Palace built for her on the Isle of Wight and in 1848, Balmoral Castle in Scotland.
  • Land and Population Growth

    Land and Population Growth
    During her reign, England grew into an empire of 4 million square miles and 124 million people
  • End of Victoria's reign

    The Victorian age witnessed the birth of the modern world through industry, scientific discovery, and the expansion of the British empire.