month 1
start the first trimester and the embryo it just two cells -
month 2
the pregnancy his heart it is beating and the brain is formed -
month 3
embryo becomes officially a fetus, a fetus is about the size of a plum -
month 4
It start the second trimester and now the bones of the baby is creat and it can on a ray X -
month 7
in this month the baby it started to begin the process sights and sounds -
month 5
this part is when the baby it started to kick during this month it when indigestion, heartburn, water retention and constipation -
month 6
this month is the halfway in your pregnancy at the end of this month the baby it is almost formed -
month 8
in this month it now completed formed for be of live and in some case the baby can born in this month -
month 9
the baby it is ready to born only mease the part that is one place to born