Got my first dog
I named my first dog Scruffy, that name just came to my mind. He was my favorite he was like my child, I would take care of him. One day I came home after school and my mom had told me that a car crashed him and I was really sad. -
Baby Sister Was Born
I've always wanted a baby sister, I was really happy because I didn't like being the only child. I like being able to show her the good things, and I love how she loves looking up to me, that makes me do good decisions because I want her to be a good person. -
High School
Before entering high school I was really nervous because I've heard a lot about high school. I would hear that the seniors would pick on the freshmens but that wasn't true at all. I actually like high school. -
Fell In Love with Makeup
I remember I didn't use to like makeup and didn't really know much about it a lot until I saw the way my friend doing her makeup and I really liked it. -
Universal Studios
I went to Universal Studios for my birthday with my family and some friends. It's my favorite place , and I love seeing how they make movies, and the rides.