Personal Computers

  • The Start

    The Start
    Oviletti plans to build the first personal computer the Programma 101 and unveils the computer at the New York's World Fair in 1964
  • NASA's use of Programma 101

    NASA's use of Programma 101
    During NASA's apollo 11 mission the programma 101 was used for many calculations such as the moon landing and in 1968 it also predicted the presidential election.
  • Apple

    This year the first apple "computer" was released. It was actually a circuit board containing 30 chips that was sold not as a build your own computer.
  • First Succesful Personal Computer

    First Succesful Personal Computer
    Commodore PET was introduced this year and became the first successful mass marketing personal computer of the time. It had so many orders that it became back-listed for the next year as well
  • Atari

    The Atari 400 and 800 were released during this year. The 400 was the gaming system that became famous while the 800 was more of home computer.
  • More and More common

    A British company, Sinclair Research, released the ZX80 which was easily hooked up to home televisions to be the monitor of the computer. These sold 17 million units.
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    Osborne1 has much larger than any laptop today and only had a 5 inch screen but was revolunary because it allowed business men to do their work on the go.
  • Time Magazine

    Time Magazine
    During this year Time Magazine named "the computer" the machine of the year because of all the helpful features it contained.
  • Commodore 64

    Commodore 64
    This computer was known for its preformance and relative cheap cost. As this computer was only $595 it was able to sell many. In 2006 the Guinness Book of World Records reconized it as the greatest selling single computer of all time.
  • Commodore Amiga 1000

    Commodore Amiga 1000
    Another famous personal computer, the revolutionary Amiga 1000, was unveiled by Commodore on July 23, 1985. The Amiga 1000 was famous for featuring a multitasking, windowing operating system and color graphics all for just $1,295.
  • Macantosh Portable

    Macantosh Portable
    Apple revealed its first attempt at a battery powered computer. It was not too popular because of its bulk but the battery did last a long time.
  • iMac

    Apple releases the colorful iMac which sells for around $1300 and is noted for its easy to use system and manual. This computer saved Apple from going bankrupt and furthered their success
  • NeXT Cube

    NeXT Cube
    Steve jobs after being fired from his own company goes out to create his own computer and names it the NeXT Cube. It had an amazing operating system that focused on multitasking applications and was eventually bought out by apple
  • Powermac G5

    Powermac G5
    The most powerful Mac at the time, the G5 was released this year. It is called the first true 64 bit computer
  • Macbook Air

    Macbook Air
    The first Macbook Air was released in 2008 and was a revolunary because of its thickness. The hard drive was replaced with a solid-state disk to reduce the thickness and was the first mass market laptop to do so.