The Opening Jump
Heather Nill, Natalie Velez, and Dodge Mason jump off the cliff at the opening jump, declaring themselves as three of the dozens of the players of panic that year. -
Period: to
The Novel "Panic" by Lauren Oliver takes place
In "Panic" by Lauren Oliver, a realistic fiction novel, some of the graduated seniors in a small town of Carp participate in a game called panic. Panic is started by the opening jump, where the players jump off a cliff to declare themselves a player of panic that year. There are two unknown judges of panic, who set up the challenges and take a cut of the money. Everyone in the high school donates money to panic everyday. The rest of the money is given to the winner. The novel follows panic. -
Second Panic Challenge
The second challenge is too walk across a board... fifty feet in the air. Before everyone can walk across, the cops come, so everyone flees. -
Heather- the farm girl
Heather loses her job at walmart, but she soon gets a new one helping a women named Anne with her animals on her farm. -
The scarecrow
Bishop Marks, Heather's friend, drives her home from Anne's, and he insists they take a shortcut. When on the shortcut, Heather finds scarecrow with a meesage on it, the next challenge of panic is there on Friday. -
Challenge at Trigger-Happy Jack's House
Heather, Natalie, and Dodge team up to get past the challenge. Dodge goes into the house to steal three idems from it, while the girls stand watch. When Dodge takes a long time, Heather goes into the house, and she finds the bonus, a gun in the gun room. All three get past the challenge, even with trigger- happy Jack shooting bullets at them, and they continue on with the game. -
The cops charges
The poice are hot on the trail of trying to stop panic. After what happened at trigger- happy Jack's, anyone involved in panic faces many criminal charges if they are found out. -
The mall
Bishop, Dodge, Heather, and Natalie go to the mall. Natalie goes to an audition to help jump start her acting career, and walks away with a buisness card of a scout. Dodge and Natalie kiss, making them officially a couple. -
The Fireworks
The fourth of July fireworks reveal that the next challenge will be on the 8th at the Haunted House. -
The Haunted House Challenge
The players are told that thye are not allowed to call for help, and that the longer they can stay in the house the better. When the house is set on fire, Natalie is lifted through a window, and Dodge and Heather end up in the hospital. -
Heather at the Hospital
The cops talk to Heather at the hospital about panic, but she says that the fire had nothing to do with panic. -
Dodge goes to the Police Station
Dodge goes to the police station to get the talk he know will happen over with. He also denies that the game had anything to do with the fire, and he finds out someone was in the house and died in the fire. -
Heather is out
In a meeting at Bishop's house, Heather gets tired of panic and declares that she is out of the game. -
Leaving Home
Heather goes to pick up her sister, Lily, at the library, but it was closed. She finds out that Lily walked all the way home in the pouring rain. When Lily got home, their drunk mother told her to go play outside in the rain. Heather walks in the door to find their mother smoking with Lily's plate as her ash tray. Heather takes the car, and she and Lily park somewhere to live in the car. -
Heather is back in
Heather decides to continue with panic, so that she and Lily can escape the life they are living. -
Walking across the Highway
The next challenge of panic comes, and the seven players left in panic have to walk across a six- lane highway blindfolded. Only the top five times can keep in the game. Natalie gets eliminated in sixth, and there are only five players left in panic. -
Natalie's Birthday
Natalie holds her birthday party. During the party, Dodge and Natalie get into a fight about how Dodge does not think the scout has Natalie's best interests in mind.
Vishop and Heather are talking when Bishop says he likes someone. Heather immediately thinks it is her and kisses him. Heather realizes it is probably not her and runs away. -
Nat's back in
A player in panic harrassed the anouncer, making him disqualified. Natalie gets back in the game as the fifth player. -
Heather goes back to Bishop's house to get her phone. While there, she sees a girl in their grade, Vivian, there, and she runs out of the house jealous. -
Dayna moves her toes
Dodge's sister, Dayna, whose legs were paralyzed in the final round of panic, moves her toes. Dodge feels like he can not fix what happened, but he can not give up on the idea of him hurting Ray Hanrahan, the brother of the man who he blames for his sister being paralyed, during the final round of panic. -
Heather gets caught
Heather and Lily get caught by a cop, and are accused of stealing the car. Heather calls Anne, and she and her sister move in with Anne after the cop gives the car back to their mom. -
Dodge finds out
Dodge is walking home, but then it starts raining. He goes into Bishop's shed because he can not get into the house. While in the shed to hide from the rain, he finds out that Bishop is one of the mysterious judges. Dodge makes a deal with Bishop that he will not have to do his individual challenge if he does something for Bishop. -
Heather gets a message
Heather gets a message that she has her individual challenge tomorrow for panic. -
Heather's Individual Challenge
Heather has to participate in a round of russian roulette, and put a gun to her head and shoot once. There is one bullet in the gun. Dodge acts angry at Heather, and comes to check the gun and make sure there is a bullet. Heather shoots the gun, even though her fsther committed suicide by shooting himself. Afterwards, Dodge hand Heather the bullet that he took out when he 'checked' the gun. -
Natalie's Individual Challenge
Natalie stays with Heather and Lily while Anne is away. Her individual challenge is that she has to stand in the cage with Anne's tigers for ten seconds. She only lasts nine seconds, because one tiger was about to pounce. -
The Tigers are out
Heather forgot to put the lock back on the tiger cage after Natalie went in there. The tigers got out. Anne comes back home, and is angry at Heather, but she also tells her that she could never hate her -
Bishop tells the truth
Bishop comes over and tells Heather that he is a judge. He tells her that he did it for her, and that he was going to give her his share of the money. After telling Heather, Bishop goes to the police, and tells them almost everything about panic and how he was a judge.He also finds out that the kid in the buring house OD before the house was set on fire. -
Heather and Dodge make a deal
Dodge makes a deal with Heather that if she loses in the first found of the joust, the final round of panic, then they will split the money. -
Heather's mom comes
Heather's mom comes to Anne's in the middle of the night drunk. She attacks the police officer in the yard that is waiting to see if the tiger comes back, cause the other tiger was shot to death. Heather's mom is forced into rehab, and Heather and Lily continue to stay at Anne's. -
Dodge's plan
Dodge plans to use his car and go slow against Heather, and she will let him win. After he wants to switch cars with Ray Hanrahan, so that when Ray floors the gas, the car will explode. -
Dodge is tied up
Natalie find out that Dodge is planning to do something bad to Ray, so she tied him up in a chair and takes his keys to give them to Heather, so that she does not ruin Anne's car. -
the Joust
Ray and Heather's cars are facing each other ready to speed towards each other. The first one to swerve their car is the loser. Ray swerves his car to avoid the tiger that came in between the two cars. Heather jumps out of Dodge's burning car, and looking at the tiger realizes that it is just as scared as she is, so she pets the tiger. Heather shows no fear, and ends up winning panic. -
Heather gets the money
Heather gets the money,and splits it equally between Bishop, Dodge, Natalie, and her. Dodge gives most of his money to the father of the kid who died, and helps his sister with medical treatment. -
Heather starts college
Heather starts to go to the community college for vetinary training.