
Palma - Gay Marriage

  • Clandestine Marriage Act

    First time the state regulated marriage.
  • Marriage Act Introduces Civil Marriages

    Marriage becomes a civil institution as well as a religious one.
  • Marriage Act

    The main piece of legislation regarding marriage.
  • Gay Rights in England

    Intercourse between men that was once outlawed and seemed as wrong, was decriminalized. This happened in England and Wales. It brought light to the struggle of gay people trying to conceal who they were. Luckily with this decriminalized many gay couples became public.
  • Liberal Party shows support

    The Liberal Party becomes the first party to commit to a Gay Rights Policy. This created both conflict and support. Gay Rights were now in the political parties, which meant that the Liberal Party could support Gay Rights in laws, policies, etc.
  • Trans Support in Politics

    The Liberal Democratic Party allows trans people to change the gender on their birth certificate. Again a political party is showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. This allows for the community to have a voice in the governing body.
  • Civil Partnership Act

    The first legally recognized relationship for same sex couples.
  • Policy on Equal Marriage

    The Liberal Democrats become the first major party to create a policy on Equal Marriage. This is the final steps towards a legalization of gay marriage!
  • Register on religious premises

    Law changed to allow same sex couples to register their civil liberties partnership on religious premises on a permissive basis.
  • Proposals

    Public consultation on proposals to enable same sex couples to marry.
  • Gay Rights in Parliament

    Marriage for same sex couples Bill introduced into Parliament.
  • Period: to

    Equal Marriage

    In 2013, equal marriage becomes a law. Couples that have wanted for legalization are now allowed to be legally marriage. Following in 2014 couples can convert their civil partnerships to marriage.
  • Same Sex Marriage

    The first same sex weddings take place!