My Own Timeline

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    My Own Timeline

  • Moved to America.

    When I turned two my parents decided that they wanted to raise my sister and I in a better place so we moved to America from my birthplace in Mexico.
  • Started school

    I started kindergarden when I was 5. I went to Deerfield Elementary.
  • My little sister was born.

    When I was nine years old, my youngest sister Amy was born.
  • Started Skateboarding

    To this very day I still love to skateboard when I have the free time. I picked up my first skateboard when I was 11.
  • Went back to Mexico

    I never knew what my birthplace was like in Mexico growing up. But when I was 12 my parents and I flew down to get to know my country of origin.
  • First Skateboarding Contest

    Entered my first skateboard contest, the Lord of Laurel skateboard contest and won the best trick portion.
  • Got my first Job

    I was hired at a local movie theater when I was 17. It was my very first job.
  • Graduated High School

    I graduated from Laurel High School, class of 2015. Pretty big landmark for me.