
My life

  • My birth

    I was just a baby my mom told me when I was born i cryed alot and I surely can't miss judge that I was like the the first second or third i don't know I have an older brother he has a another mom my sister or step sister jenny she lives with my dad ex wife I can tell why.
  • Period: to

    Chihuahua forever in my heart

    I always go to chihuahua to celebrate christmas with my family we always go to mexico to have fun like go to the park play soccer with my folks cousins it so nice to spend family time quality.
  • My first day at school

    My first day at school
    It all started there in my first school to kindergaten until fith grade
    I was so shy at that day i thought no kid will be my friend.
  • Period: to

    Kindergaten to third grade

    As time past to my first day at school to first grade with my teacher msr.brown she was mean to my second grade teacher msr.lisndsy she was nice i think that is spell correctly.Last my third grade teacher msr. ayons the meanest teacher ever i had well i still made out good.

    We have to move it took a time to go on my school so my dad and mom wanted to move really near the school, I miss my old house.
  • Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All the family came to my grandmas house to celebrate and we at some grapes we all each get a total of 12 grapes a grape means a wish my family tradition I guess we all laugh with joy. But we all ways come to chihuahua to celebrate with them all
  • ohhh chihuahua!!!!!!

    ohhh chihuahua!!!!!!
    we went to chihuahua my mom and dad home we went there on december it was so hot and i had sun burn it hurts when you stay in the sun for so long I got to see my abuela means grandma and my abuelito i primos that means grandpa and counsis.
  • fourth grade what a pain #

    fourth grade what a pain #
    Really this is the worst day of school i can't survive for two more years even for fith grade. My teacher turn out be a guy Mr.Rodriguez a really good basketball player but his dream was to be a principal and din't laugh for his goal is that he was better a teacher but he did made with hard work he was a nice guy can't judge that but he lives happy running his school so be it i hardly knew him.
  • Graduation 5 grade

    Graduation 5 grade
    Every teacher I saw crying with joy to see there students graduation even parents I was really sad seeying some really kind teachers with a heart and passions for there students me with my black suit and my friends and the girls with dresses I tought it was the best party ever.
  • fith grade a wonderful place

    fith grade a wonderful place
    Mrs. Estrada the nicest teacher I ever met in my whole life she was like not hte meanest but she totally change my life I was complete jerk.........Well my teacher she helped me understand why I was like that.We as students we study materials like math,writing even today but some are different
  • Happy 2012 yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy 2012 yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    yay It was In chihuahua I was just having fun I even dranked 20 sodas I stay up for 3:00 AM. It was most likely all my family in a really small house so we had to make space in the backyard. The party lasted until we all past out well it did happen. we all have so much fun.
  • Hello Dcism

    Hello Dcism
    Weird middel school starts first than elementary school maybe because we were little but when I firt came to this school I thought I was not going to see none of my old friends but I did some I decided to make new friends not hang out with my old friends. i met all my teacher It was natural and fun for me.
  • Happy 2013 !!!!!

    Happy 2013 !!!!!
    A another party for to celebrate but this time it wans't in my grandma or grandpas house in mexico it was this time in Denver in my aunt house it was a big house we alot of drinks and less people it only looks big because of the small space it is not like im judging them.But it turn out to be fun music was loud and good to hear.
  • 7 grade

    7 grade
    Well It is almost over for me in this school for my summer break it was really fun until it starts getting serius.
  • 7 grade

    7 grade
    I was actually good to be beack to school but it had some changes alot of it.It felt weird seeying 6 graders and im as a 7 grader it was just all my old memories as I felt guilty for something that I haven't done well my guts told me to back away right now . So i did needed too well it is only for a year.