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My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on March 28, 1997 in Norwood, Ohio. I was born last of my four siblings.
  • I moved to Loveland from Norwood.

    I moved to Loveland from Norwood.
    We moved here, because my parents wanted my brother and I going to a better school.
  • Started first grade.

    Started first grade.
  • My cousins died in a car accident.

    My cousins died in a car accident.
    My cousins, Jimmy and Margie Rook, were on their way to Flordia for vacation when they were hit straight on by a drunk driver. The as an illegal alien.
  • My parents got divorced.

    My parents got divorced.
  • My niece, Lela, was born.

    My niece, Lela, was born.
    My brother, Eddie and his girlfriend had a baby girl. It was very exciting, because it was my first niece.
  • My Grandpa died.

    My Grandpa died.
  • Started High School.

    Started High School.
  • Graduate from a good college.

    Graduate from a good college.
    I really want to go to a good college that I really enjoy going to.
  • Live in Ireland for a couple of years.

    Live in Ireland for a couple of years.
    Living in Ireland has always been my dream. I would only live there for a couple of years though, because I would miss my family too much.
  • Take my family on a trip in Europe.

    Take my family on a trip in Europe.
    I've always wanted to travel to Europe and see everthing. I would want to take my family with me though, because I know that's one of their dreams too.