First cell phone
After much begging, my parents bought me my first cell phone for my birthday and Christmas present during my junior year of high school. Unlike students today, I kept my cell phone in the car during school hours and texting was non-existent! The cell phone was a more convenient way to stay in contact with my parents without having to find a payphone and keep change on me at all times! Image from Google -
First iPod
I purchased my first iPod so that I did not have to carry my heavy portable cd player while I exercised. I instantly fell in love with the iPod and iTunes. Though there are other mp3 players and music libraries available, I am still loyal to an iPod and iTunes! The little iPod sure beats carrying a cd player that felt like it weighed 5lbs by the end of my run! Image from Google -
First Online Classes
During the last semester of nursing school, I was able to live at home and commute a half hour to complete my required clinical hours. Since my classmates were scattered throughout the state during the rural rotation, online classes were necessary. I liked how there were no specific class times so I could complete assignments on my schedule. This was my first experience with online classes and I learned how time management is a must! Image from Google -
First Laptop
There was a severe thunderstorm that fried my desktop computer that I used for school. My uncle helped me determine the best laptop for my needs. Having a laptop was convenient because I was able to take it with me to the library when studying or home on the weekends to do homework. I did not have to wait until my parents' computer was unoccupied in order to work on school assignments. Image from Google -
Online Charting
At my first job, the facility was still using paper charting, but was in the process of transitioning into computer charting. When I moved closer to home and obtained another position, this facility already had computer charting in place. There was a learning curve for me, but I caught on quickly and have become more proficient with my facility's computer charting program. I have now become the contact person for troubleshooting among my coworkers! Image from Google -
Goodbye BlackBerry, hello Smartphone
I upgraded to a smartphone because the Internet access on the BlackBerry was archaic! The phone took forever to load the Internet and I normally stopped midsearch due to frustration! If I needed to know something that badly, I found a computer or asked a friend with a smartphone. This transition gave me access to the Internet as well as more user friendly applications. Image from Google -
Mobile Banking
I was excited when my bank made the mobile banking application available! I liked to keep track of my banking activity online via the computer rather than a checkbook so being able to access my accounts eventually through my phone was icing on the cake! Image from Google -
Simulation Experience for BLS certification
Resuscitation Quality ImprovementAt the annual employee training fair, I learned that our facility obtained the Resuscitation Quality Improvement technology from the American Heart Association. The simulation experience instructs you as you perform CPR on the manikin to ensure proper technique. I attempted the simulation and learned that I wasn't compressing deep enough or fast enough. It was difficult, but fun! This is an amazing asset for maintaining competence in BLS skills. Image from heart.org