Manufacturing research/timeline

By Degroot
  • Period: to


    Manufacturing timeline form 1900’s to 2021
  • U.S Steel

    J.P. Morgan co-founded U.S. steel he merged steel empire built by Andrew Carnegie’s Carnegie steel with Federal steel company and national steel company
  • Airplane

    Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved the first airplane flight on December 17 1903
  • car

    The Model T a car that most people could actually buy
  • Ford

    Henry Ford invents the assembly line he broke down the production and each worker was trained on just one of the steps along a moving line
  • Labor law

    Labor law
    Franklin D Roosevelt signed the Fair labor standards act which mandated standard 40 hour workweek the minimum wage and child labor restrictions
  • War

    Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and enter the war companies stopped producing consumer goods and started making tanks,plans,and other military necessities
  • First jet engine

    In 1942 a groups of GE engineers that where know as the Hush-Hush Boys work for ten months to built America’s first jet engines
  • CAD

    1950s-1960s the Computer-aided design (CAD) made machine tools to make precise and consistent cuts not by people but by direction received form computer software program
  • OSHA

    Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers to create and maintain safe from known hazards
  • Department of energy

    President jimmy carter signed The Department of Energy Organization act of 1977 that created twelfth cabinet level department
  • Manufacturing peak

    The employment in American manufacturing peaked in 1979
  • Smart camera

    In 1980 the vision system for manufacturing begin development with character data and code verification that where performed by cameras and machines
  • Computer to the public

    Personal computer is introduced to the Public by IBM
  • 3D printing

    the 3D printer increase speed and reduces waste by instead adding materials layer by layer
  • Enterprise integration act

    The U.S manufacturing Enterprise integration act allowed for development of a smart manufacturing infrastructure
  • iPhone

    Apple reveled the iPhone paving the way for variety of smartphone,tablets and other smart devices and altering they way people live there lives and companies
  • Rise of robotics

    companies like Rethink Robotics introducing robotics like Baxter the ability to combine technology with gestures a whole new manufacturing world begins