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Lessons Learned through Life

By NBiel
  • The Road to Valhalla

    The Road to Valhalla
    First day of Bishop Verot, and I had already a broken arm from football practice and wouldn't know it was broken until two days later. I mostly observed what my classes, so I didn't talk much. When I did talk, it was with classmates from St. Francis. My one regret is not branching out more, because the first day of high school gives you the chance to re-invent yourself.
  • I Do!

    I Do!
    My sister's marriage, had a ripple effect on both sides on the family that I didn't see coming. I thought this marriage would only effect my sister and her husband, but both sides of the family really connected well with one another. Now our family has expanded into a larger one and I have welcomed the inclusion of the colorful members of the McKenna family with open arms.
  • Not Feeling so Fresh Anymore

    Not Feeling so Fresh Anymore
    I left Freshman year on a high note, I managed to get straight A's for the first time ever. However I felt a feeling of terror for next year. My Sophmore year I was to take all honors classes. I, as well as my family, was stunned by these events and I saw how appyling myself to something pays off.
  • Getting the Runs

    Getting the Runs
    This was the first day of conditioning for cross country and I had managed to finish three miles with one of the veteran runners. I would enjoy cross country for the the next two year.s The sport helped me to think in times of stress. I also met some of my closet friends at Verot and it helped me find a group to rely on and hang out with. Plus it helped me lose a few pounds that I needed to shred off.
  • Smarties

    My induction into the National Honors Society, was not a big deal t me at the time. At first I thought of it as just a title to put on my college resume, but now I see it is so much more than that. Out of all the clubs I have participated in, NHS is the club I have put the most effort and work into. Later in the future that effort came back to me in the form of a reward.
  • The Thrist for Money... and Coffee

    The Thrist for Money... and Coffee
    After spending the whole summer looking for a job, I got a hired at the Chocolattés coffee shop, this was to be my first job I ever had. I probaly got hired at the worst time possible, because school and cross country had already started and now I had to add this to the mix. Learning how to balance three important aspects of my life as well as my social life was exhausting but I'm glad I pulled through it.
  • All Hail to King Junior

    All Hail to King Junior
    The fondest memory that I have from Verot, is when I was elected as the homecoming court representative for my Junior class. I recall driving in the car and the feeling of walking onto the field. To me, being elected showed how people liked my attitude, personality and character.
  • A National Treasurer

    A National Treasurer
    My hardwork that I put into NHS payed off, when I was elected to the leadership postion of treasurer. My first leadership role ever in Verot, it meant alot to me because of the amount of time and effort I put into the club, as well as the speech I wrote for my campaign. Right now I put this as my top priority over most activities in school.
  • Finding Noah

    Finding Noah
    After two years of cross country and most of the senior runners moving to college, I decided to make a change and join the swim team. It has beenone of the hardest and agonizing sports I have ever participated in, but it has been the sport I have enjoyed the most at Verot. The team and the parents give the sport such a welcoming atmosphere. Also I realize I'm the type of person that can't do something for too long, I always need a bit of change in my life.