Language Timeline

By Megan04
  • 0-2 months

    Minimal meaningful vocalizations (vegetative sounds)
  • 2-4 months

    Laughs, coos, smiles begin
  • 4-6 months

    Begins to babble and make sounds, such as “pa” or “ba”
  • 8-10 momths

    Longer babbles, such as “ba ba ba”; more meaningful intonation as language emerges
  • 10-12 months

    First words and additional communication attempts emerge (gesturing to request an item, pushing away an item of disinterest)
  • 1-2 year

    Follows concise directions
    First words
    Emergence of basic (who, what, where, when, why, and how) questions
    Starts to combine words to make short phrases
  • 2-3 year

    Follows 2-step directions
    Pleasantries: words like, “please” and “thank you,” are emerging
    Object permanence: shows an understanding that objects exist, even if the object is not in their vicinity
    Prepositions: begins using words such as “in,” “on,” and “under”
    Longer phrases/sentences: starts combining more words to produce longer sentences (3 to 4 words)
    Begins to ask a lot of “why” questions
  • 3-4 year

    Colors and shapes: beginning to understanding shape and color words
    Familial terms: words like “grandma”, “aunt”, and “brother”
    Rhyming: begin to produce/play around with short rhyming words, like “cat” and “hat”
    Complex wh- questions: beginning to understand and responding to a wider variety of wh- question like “why” and “how”
    Pronouns: beginning to expand pronoun use to identify self and others; such as “me”, “you”, “they”, etc.
  • 4-5 year

    Temporal concepts: words like “today”, “yesterday”, and “tomorrow” are understood
    Sequences: are familiar with routines and sequence words such as: first, next, then, last
    Clearer speech: the child should be understood by individuals almost 100% of the time
    Letters and numbers: the child is understanding letters and numbers
    Retelling events: narratives and storytelling is increasing in sentence complexity and in duration
    Code switching: the child understands “indoor voice” and outdoor voice”