Language and Culture II: 20th Century

  • Africa was governed by Europeans.

  • Russia was controled by the Tsar Nicholas II

  • Palestine was proclaimed as Arab land

  • India is ruled by the British Raj

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russia lost the war.
  • The German Kaiser visited Morocco

    Before the events with the Kaiser, Britain and France had agreed to control the Mediterranian area, including Morocco. In order to test how strong was the alliance between Britain and France, the German Kaiser went to Morocco to offer his help to the Sultan of Morocco to throw the French out but the Entente Powers put pressure to make the Kaiser back down.
  • Naval Rivalry

    The building of the British Dreadnought, a battleship with heavy guns and thicker armour-plating, caused jolousy and suspicion to the German Kaiser who announced immediatly the production of a German version in order to be prepared for possible future batttles.
  • The Balkans' conflict

    The Balkans was a central area that all countries wanted tu rule. Austria-Hungary was interested in colonising this isle in order to expand their country. Their country was going to collapse if they did not conquer the Balkans. Russia, a country that maintained a flriendly relationship with the Balkans, helped to avoid the expansion of Austria-Hungary over the Balkans
  • The assasination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife takes place at Sarajevo

  • Period: to

    World War I

    Germany declares war to Russia.
  • Battle of Marne

    The Germans are pushed out by the Entente Powers.
  • Battle of Ypres

    The Entente Powers win the battle.
  • Battle of Verdun

    France wins the battle.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Britain wins the battle.
  • Battle of Somme

    The Entente Powers win the battle
  • Period: to

    The Russian Revolution

    Lenin reveals against the Tsarist rule and sets up the Communist Party in Russia.
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    The whites lose the war.
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    The French win the battle.
  • Treaty of Litovsk

    Hitler forces the USSR to sign the Treaty.
  • Hitler becomes member of The Germans' Worker Party.

  • The Treaty of Versailles is created to make Germany pay for the consequences of the Great War.

  • Hitler creates The Nazi Party 25 points program

  • The League of Nations is created

    It is created to solve any conflict among countries.
  • USA sets up its Isolationism Policy to remain far away from world affairs

  • Black friday takes place in Britain. Workers protest against wage-cuts

  • Period: to

    Conservative Government in Britain

  • Streseman becomes the new German Chancellor

    He brings a period of peace in Germany
  • Hitler is sent to prison

  • Lenin dies

  • Period: to

    Labour government in Britain is established under the rule of the Liberal Party

  • Period: to

    General Strikes in Britain take place as a way to protest against pay cuts

  • Trotsky is exiled from Russia

  • The Wall Street Crash has economic effects all over the world

  • The British Labour Party is re-elected

  • The USA suffers a Depression due to the Wall Street Crash

  • Mohandas Gandhi and the Salt March

  • Franklin Roosevelt and The New Deal are the new solutions to rise the American economy

  • Germany abandones the League of Nations to prepare for war

  • Period: to

    The Thousand Year Reich is established in Germany

  • Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany after the elections of 1933

  • Conservative Government in Britain is set up

  • "The Anti-Comintern Pact" was established among Germany, Italy and Japan.

  • Austrian Annexation to Germany

  • Peace Treaty between Chamberlain and Hitler to avoid war

  • Period: to

    Persecution of Jews in Germany

  • The Nazi Soviet Pact was signed to prevent future attacks between Germany and Russia

  • Period: to

    World War II

    The Entente Powers declare war on Germany
  • Battle of the Atlantic between Germany and Britain

  • Period: to

    The Phoney War is the first conflict that belongs to the Second World War

  • The Battle of Britain was fought by air

  • Germany: The Final Solution is applied to Jews

  • Poverty and hunger in Britain

  • Operation Barbarossa is created to invade the USSR.

  • Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese

  • Japanese fail in the Battle of the Coral Sea

  • The Japanese attack the US-held island in the Battle of Midway

  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Germans lose the battle.
  • El Alamein

    The Allies win the battle
  • Morocco and Algeria

    The Allies win the battle
  • Allied Invasion at Sicily

    The Allies win the battle
  • The Allies met at Tehran

  • The Japanise lose in the Battle of Leyte Gulf

  • Bombing of Tokyo

  • The Afrikaner Party wins the elections in South Africa.

  • The Allies meet at Yalta to discuss what to do with Germany after the Second World War

  • The Allies meet at Postdam to punish the Nazis at Nuremberg Trial

  • Period: to

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Soviet Advance over Eastern Europe

  • Indian Independence from the British Government

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • USA: The Truman Doctrine is aproved

  • Cominform is set up to control the Baltic States from Eastern Europe

  • Israel: 1948/1949

    The Israelis fought against Palestinian Arabs. Israel survived but was in a dangerous position.
  • South Africa: The Apartheid is introduced as a policy that divides the Africans by the colour of their skin

  • Marshall Aid is created to support economically to countries suffering from economic problems.

  • The USSR blocks the entry to East Germany

  • Comecon is set up to control Estern Europe economy

  • NATO is set up as a way to protect certain countries from the Communist attacks

  • China becomes Communist

  • Period: to

    Korean War

    They sign a peace treaty in 1953
  • Indian Industrialisation is set up by Nehru

  • Tibet is invaded by China

  • SEATO is introduced to protect its members from the Communist attacks

  • Nelson Mandela campaigns for the new Charter of the ANC

  • The Baghdad Pact was introduced

  • Warsaw Pact is created to join Eastern European countries

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    The US loses the war
  • Period: to

    Nikita Khruschev becomes the new Communist leader

  • Suez Crisis

    Egypt was invaded by Isael, Britain and France. British and French troops were forced to pull out of the Canal Zone. The Israelis withdrew to their old boundaries.
  • The Berlin Wall is built to prevent the lack of people in East Berlin.

  • Mandela is sent into prison

  • The Cuban missile crisis almost brings a nuclear war

  • The Indian government becomes a dictatorship under the rule of Indira Gandhi

  • Israel fights against Syria in the Six Day War

  • Terrorist attack on Dawson's field

    Three airlaners were hijacked by Palestinian terrorists.
  • Civil war between Pakistan and Bangladesh

    Pakistan and Bangladesh had a civil war in 1971 where Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan.
  • Israeli athletes at the Olympic games at Munich were assasinated by Palestinian guerrillas.

  • SALT 1 Agreement is established between the US and the USSR

  • Battle at Yom Kippur in Israel

    Israelis win the battle.
  • Helsinki Conference is held to guarantee human rights to citizens

  • The Camp David Agreement is introduced as an agreement between Israel and Palestine to negotiate peace.

  • Lebanon Invasion

    Palestinians from Lebanon led to an Israeli invasion.
  • Camp David Agreement

    It is an agreement between Israel and Palestine to negotiate peace.
  • The USSR:Glasnot Policy is created to eliminate the barries between the East and the West

  • The Iceland Meeting helps to finish with the Cold War

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • The Communist Party collapses

  • Israel: A left-wing government is elected.

  • South Africa: Mandela is elected President