kurt cobain

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    February 20th 1967 in Aberdeen Washington
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    growing up

    Kurts parents got divorced, which was hard on him
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    Growing up

    parents kicked him out at 18, was homeless for almost a year
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    Starting life

    he finally got a job and apartment, made a band with his friends called nirvana
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    Dated a girl named Tracy and wrote some songs about her that’s on the “Bleach” album, Dated Tobi Vail and wrote songs about her that appear on the “nevermind” album
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    Courtney Love

    When he married courtney love his album “In Utero” album had songs about her
    He had a kid with courtney named Francis Bean
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    Upcoming fame

    Smells Like Teen Spirit’ was Nirvana’s first popular song
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    years on, Kurt went to rehab for heroin abuse
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    Kurt cobain shot himself in his greenhouse on April 5th 1994, but his body was discovered by a plumber coming to his house a few days later