Jan 1, 1000
Adam and Eve
We do not have an exact date when Adam and Eve took a bite from the Tree of Good and Evil or when they lived in Eden. But this is the first story in the Torah and the first time humans ever have free will. -
Jan 1, 1500
Noahs Ark
God told Noah of his plan to flood the Earth ad rebuild due to all the lawlessness that was occuring at the time. He told Noah to build an ark for his family and put two of every animal on the boat. When the flood came Noah was prepared and he and the animals survivied. God and Noah make a covenant or an agreement. That a flood will never be used to destory the earth ever again. -
Abraham and God make a deal.
God and Abrham created a covenant. A covenant is an agreement. Abraham promised to be faithful and devoted and God would protect his people. God constantly tested Abraham during this process to make sure he would be loyal through-out his life. He is considered the first Jew. God spoke to Abraham around 1200 BC -
Assyria & Babylon Take Over
Israel and Judha lost their independance to Asseryia. Israel revolted and refused to pay the tribute so the Asseryians attacked and took down the whole northern kingdom. After 150 years, Judha is also destroyed. Leter on the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar took over and destryoed Jerusalem. Many of the survivers from this attack were exiled to Babylon. Then, 50 years later the Persian king Cyrus the Great conquered Babylona and let the exiles free. This happened between 738- 722 BC -
Moses leads the way
As the Jewsish people where taken into slavery, Moses an isrealite adopted by an Egyptian princess, was asked by God to lead his people to freedom. Using Gods help Moses and the Jews were safley left Egypt and lead out of slavery. This event was called the,"Exodus,". Jews honor it every year by celebrating passover. This event happened between 1300-1200 BC. -
Gods Law
God speaks directly to Moses and gives him the Ten Commandments. He carves these into stone tablets and shows them to the Jewish people. The Ten Commandments are the rules God wants us to live by to keep us morally correct and ethical people. These rules are the basis of Jewish law. This event happened between 1300- 1200 BC -
Saul and David Establish Israel
The Israelites settled in the the south-central area of Canaan and expanded north ans south. The three powerful kings: Saul, David, and Solomon, craeted a new kingdom called Israel. After Saul's death, David established Jerusalem as the capitol and created a dynasty. Next, Solomon established a trading empire and built many a beautiful temple. This caused the kingdom to divide into two parts: Israel and Judha. These kingdoms lasted from around 1020 to 922 BC.