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John Tyndall ( August 2, 1820-December 4, 1893)

By kpxjin
  • Greenhouse Effect

    Greenhouse Effect
    He examined the transmission of both radiant heat and light through various gases and vapours. He discovered that water vapour and carbon dioxide absorb much more radiant heat and light through various gases of the atmosphere and argued the consequent importance of those gases in moderating Earth’s climate that is, in the natural greenhouse effect. Resource:
    By Ruth Barton: https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Tyndall [accessed on 21 Nov 2019]
  • Experiment of radiative properties of various gases

    Experiment of radiative properties of various gases
    His experimentation was making first ratio spectrophotometer, which he measured with absorptive powers of gases like water vapor, carbonic acid, ozone, and hydrocarbons.
    His studies was noting that dew and frost are caused by a loss of heat through radiative processes.
    Steve Graham October 8th 1999: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/Tyndall [accessed on 22 Nov 19]
  • Why sky is blue??

    Why sky is blue??
    He used glass tube to simulate the sky, with a white light at one end to represent the sun. He discovered that when he gradually filled the tube with smoke the beam of light appeared to be blue from the side but red from the far end. Tyndall realised that the colour of the sky is a result of light from the sun scattering around particles in the upper atmosphere.
  • RIP John

    RIP John
    Tyndall often took chloral hydrate to treat his insomnia. When bedridden and ailing, he died from an accidental overdose[69] of this drug in 1893 at the age of 73, and was buried at Haslemere.Afterwards, Tyndall's wife took possession of his papers and assigned herself supervisor of an official biography of him. She dragged her feet on the project, however, and it was still unfinished when she died in 1940 aged 95. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tyndall