Jesse’s father name was Henry Cleveland Owens and his mother name was Mary Emma Fitzgerald -
Birth date / Birth Place
Jesse Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama -
Early Life
Jesse Cleveland Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama, the son of a sharecropper, a farmer who rents land. He was a sickly child, so he couldn’t help his father. -
Period: to
Jesse Owens had three kids, Beverly, Marlene, and Gloria Owens -
Jesse Owens married Minnie Ruth Soloman in 1935 -
Education and Jobs
Jesse Owens attended Ohio State University in college & He was an Olympian -
Fun Facts
Jesse set 5 world records in May 1935
Jesse Owens nickname was “Bullet”
Jesse Owens birth name was JAMES -
Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games and his long jump record stood for 25 years -
Death Date
Jesse Owens died on March 31, 1980 in Tuscan, Arizona