Dinner jackets jam

Jerry's Musical Journey

  • Birth!

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    Sitting on my parents' laps

    Through these years I gained all my musical skills from my mom singing songs and bouncing me on her knee.
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    My parents

    At this point in my life I was interested in anything that my parents like. This consisted of mainly country which would blast through our house on weekend mornings as my mom cleaned the house. I would also sing my heart out to some songs as we drove to and from my grandma's house on Snow Drive. "I'm In A Hurry" by Alabama was one of my favourites although I never learned all the correct words until 2015 and still consistenly sing it wrong. "Meet in the Middle" by Diamond Rio is also a classic!
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    Big ol' mix!

    At this point in time I began to get really interested in creating mix cds. My dad and I created one mp3 cd that had a huge mix of songs and we loved them all. My dad still talks of that CD to this day! Music ranged from Weird Al's Star Wars Episode 1 version of American Pie to Wheat Kings by the Tragically Hip to Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down to Cat's in the Craddle by Harry Chapin which I always thought was by Cat Stevens which apparently many other people did as well!
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    Grade 7-9

    In these years I was mostly into Jack Johnson, Death Cab for Cutie , Stars (big time, even had them on my cell phone which could hold around 12 songs), Billy Talent and Rise Against. In grade 9 we missed the second day of the new semester as my dad drove me, my sister, and our friends to Winnipeg (in a 16 passenger van) to see Billy Talent. This was the beginning of a string of concerts.
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    Grade 11 to first year university (The Dinner Jacket years)

    This is the time when I got interested in music outside of school, started hosting the jams, and began playing shows. Once the band was formed I was pretty open to any tune that a band member wanted to play, this ranged a great deal from the Rolling Stones to Kate Nash to Jack Johnson. I was interested in playing any tune that someone wanted to hear. I began listening to tons of music that had been around for so long that I'd never listened to before.
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    University Music (years 1-3)

    I was interested in any classical music that my teacher was into because I looked up to him.
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    Year 4 Music- Present

    I became interested in solo saxophone pieces that I thought had a possibility of being played somewhere other than just on my jury. I wanted to play music for people, have a good time doing it, and help them have enjoyable times. This lead me to being interested in anything that people wanted to hear and anything that I could find that people wanted to play with me with the potential of putting on shows, jams, and busking.