I was born August 8th 2002 here in Arkadelphia, Arkansas and i have been here all my life. I live with my mom who is a single mom and she takes care me my brother and my sisters -
My BrOtHeR wAs BoRn
My brother was born on this day and me and my family was at the hospital for a little bit. but i remember playing the nintido switch that day for somereason -
StArTeD PlAyInG bAsEbAlL
I started playing baseball -
BaBy SiStEr WaS BoRn
my sister Da'miyah was born -
My LaSt GaMe
I had been on my tournament team for 7 years -
ToUrNaMeNt BaLl
Me and some friends got on a team that played on the weekends and we were called Deuces Wild and we were pretty good. I was the ace pitcher on that team. -
FiRsT hOmErUn
I hit my first home run in lake Hamliton And we were playing against the mud ducks they had a weird name but i remember winning that tournament. -
WoN sTaTe
My All-star team won this year we were in pitcher machine. I played third, pitcher, and first base. We played our state game at Arkadelphia and we got on the news for it -
HiGh ScHoOl BaLl
I was playing up with the varsity this year because they asked me too and I was pitching we were playing Vilonia and that game I hit a Three run shot home run and gave up one run and the score was 17-1 -
My HiP
I had hurt my hip playing baseball at henderson while i was batting I had went to swing the bat and my cleats got stuck in the turf and my hip pulled and fracuted my pelvis