Industrial Revolution Inventions

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The Steam Engine, created by James Watt, is used to do mechanical work that possibly no human can do or that a machine can do better/faster. It can help with bussiness by increasing production, and transportation speed.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    THe cotton Gin, created by Eli Whitney, is used to pick the unnecessary stuff out of cotton so they can pack it and make clothing out of it.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph, invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, is an invention used to transmit signals or code from one place to another. It helped with bussines and the revolution by allowing people to talk to each other about important things when they couldnt talk in person.
  • Telephone

    The telephone, invented by Alexander Ghram Bell was an invention that helped companies so they can discuss topics to help increase bussiness.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    The light bulb, invented by THomas Edison, creates light and makes thngs easier to see so people can figure out what they have to write, fix, etc.
  • Ford Model T

    Ford Model T
    The Ford Model T is an automobile that was produced by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company from 1908 through 1927. It can help with bussines by getting people to meetings to discuss bussiness.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line, invented by Henry Ford, is like a convator belt, designed to move objects down a certain path. It helps bussiness by having multiple people work on what ever they have to work on or what ever section they are assigned.
  • Playstation 3

    Playstation 3
    The Playstation 3, invented by the company Sony, is a machine that allows entertainment throught the world. It can help with bsiness by selling special things to their customers that other gaming systems cant do.