Carl bernhard schmidt

immigration journal timeline

  • Period: to

    life span

  • born

    I was born today at 10:35 A.M.
  • Planning the trip

    Planning the trip
    I am planning to go to the United States. So I've been asking family and friends if they want to come with. I got 2 of my friends to come with. I got them to come by telling them how theres land and jobs.
  • travel to americia

    travel to americia
    Me and two of my friends form Russia are on a boat that is going to the United States.
  • The United Sates

    The United Sates
    After 3 weeks of travel we are finally in the Unites States. We went through Elis Island and now were in New York city. The three of us bought an apartment in the slums. We all found jobs in a glass factory.
  • 1st year in the US

    1st year in the US
    After a year in the US i've knotted my friends and I get paid less then our coworkers from the United States, but it dosen't matter. We have decided to throw a party celebrating our first year in the US. our coworkers are comming and the friends we made in the US are comming as well.
  • Beat up

    Beat up
    Me and my friends were walking home from work. When 2 men started to try to beat me up. Luckily my friends were there to help me because if they wouldn't of been I would of been a goner. I'm glad my friends decided to come with me.