Chinese immigrants 2

Immigration and Westward Expansion

By s-adauz
  • The Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion
    The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war in southern China between the Qing Dynasty and the Chinese Christian rebels. 20, 000, 000 - 100, 000, 000 people were killed. This was the largest rebellion that almost destroyed the Qing Dynasty. My brother died fighting against the Qing Dynasty. I, Li Hu, have a family that will escape China's war. The land of the promised, the free land: America, will be my place of refuge.
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    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Escaping to America

    Escaping to America
    After five years, my other brother, father, mother, and I have finally boarded the ferry and went the disappointing and filthy spit of land called Angel Island. I fear that we may have to stay for another three weeks due to all this security. I will have to learn the American customs soon. At least we gained passage. But Mother has started to get sick, and she may be sent away back to the wretched land I once called home.
  • Landing at America

    Landing at America
    All has been done, but at a high cost. We have been cleared to enter the Land of Freedom, except for poor Mother. She was sent back home. And with not enough money to get her first class tickets, we must abandon her and come for her after we get the money. We are at great loss, and as I enter the port in San Francisco Bay, I see that true and generous welcome wouldn't be something to hope for. However, I am confident that my music playing skills will help me get a decent job.
  • Buisness in Chinatown

    Buisness in Chinatown
    Since arriving here in America, hardships and racism were all that I have seen. My new job was at another filthy place referred to as sweatshops. Once again, racisim and discrimination has limited my wages to $9 per month. There was no escaping the harsh Americans that insulted my culture, and I do my best to retaliate. And to no surprise, the shop was burned down, and a mob got one of my brothers killed in cold blood.
  • The Caifornia Gold Rush

    The Caifornia Gold Rush
    The infamous Calfornia Gold Rush was my only chance to survival. With no jobs to get money, the only choice was to mine for gold. Yet I still couldn't escape the racism of the other miners from the south. The mining was already a dangerous job, yet the other miners had to cause violence. While digging for gold, I was assaulted in the mine by three men, and I hurt my leg. The amount of gold I collected may suffice for my family for a while.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    Although my injured leg had already healed, disaster has struck again. Congress, the part of the government that I had trusted, has turned against my race and passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. The act prohibits Chinese immigration to America for a 10 years. Families would be seperated by the Atlantic Ocean and the law. My mother's hopes and dreams to join us in America have failed to come true. I wonder if my hopes will disappear as well.
  • The Railroads of America

    The Railroads of America
    Despite past disadvantages, I have found a new and a generous-paying job. America demands the use and production of railroads for trains. However, this job has proved to be one of the biggest challenges of my life. The job has proved to be back-breaking and impossibly tiring. I am payed at least $22 per month, but this generous pay doesn't stop other dangers. I have braved the cold, harsh winter and risked my life for my family.