History of Special Education 12 of the most important events

By dkossar
  • 1840 Law Mandating Compulsory Education

    In 1840 the state of Rhode Island passed a law mandating all children need to attend school. It also stated that the state had to pay for each child. Although not many special needs children attended it was open to them.
  • 1950 National Association for Retarded Citizens

    Began in 1950 by parents and friends of children with intellectual disabilities to crusade against mental retardation. In 1950 was the first national convention. One of the first advocacy organizations for the exceptional child.
  • 1922 Council for Exceptional Students

    The council was created by a group of supervisors, administrators and faculty that came together to help the education of children with disabilities . The first president was Elizabeth Farrell. One of the biggest advocacy organization that included teachers and parents.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    In 1954 impacted education in landmark decision to end racial segregation. This helped lay the groundwork for the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. If not for this lawsuit the other lawsuits later on probably would not have gone well.
  • PARC v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    1971 Parents of children with intellectual disabilities came together and brought a suit against the commonwealth for failure to admit their children in school. This is a great lawsuit that depended on Brown.
  • 1971 Mills v Board of Education of District of Columbia

    In 1971 this lawsuit was brought against the District of Columbia on behalf of 7 students with special needs. They were denied education because the district said they didn't have the money for their accommodations and said the extra expense for services was too expensive. They were expelled without due process.
    Mills won the lawsuit.
  • 1973 Section 504

    Section 504 is a civil rights law, that is broader than IDEA, prohibiting against discrimination of special needs children. This law makes sure the child has equal access to general education and benefits but does not require the student to have an IEP. 504 casts a wider net to get help to some children that just need a service or extra help.
  • 1975 Least Restrictive Environment

    In 1975 the least restrictive environment act was part of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. It states that the special needs child shall be educated in the least restricted environment, which would be in a general education classroom if possible.
  • 1975 Education for all handicapped Childrens' Act

    In 1975 this act was sign into law by President Ford and states that all public schools that receive federal funds have to provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) for children with physical and mental disabilities. This is a pivotal law which helped further the education of children with disabilities
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    This is a civil rights law that is an anti-discrimination against the people with disabilities so they can have the same rights as everyone else. This includes children which need accommodations and modifications in school. This law opened up greater possibilities for the children.
  • 1990 IDEA

    This act was originally know as the Education of Handicapped Children Act from 1975. This law has FAPE under it and governs how agencies provide early intervention, special education and services for every state.
  • 2004 IDEA Reauthorized

    In 2004 the reauthorization still holds the basic structure of the old IDEA but has made significant changes by instituting a requirement for using highly qualified teachers for special needs students and improvements in assistance, general provisions, procedural safeguards, parent participation, research, and miscellaneous provisions.